Sunday, April 5, 2020

Here's How You Can Help Your Roosevelt Island Neighbors During Coronavirus Covid 19 Pandemic - Deliver Food To Your Neigbors And Join The Friends Of Coler To Help Patients And Staff

Many Roosevelt Island residents have asked what they can do to help our neighbors during the Coronavirus Covid 19 Pandemic. Just one example:

I am a newer local RI resident and wondering if there is anything I can do to help our community in these strange and crazy times!

I would not even know where to begin myself, so I was curious do you know of any groups organizing ways to help the local people or businesses in need? If so could you help connect me?...
Of course what we all can do is Stay At Home,Wash Your Hands and Keep Your Social Distance when you have to go out but there are tasks that you may be able to do for your neighbors that they can't do for themselves.

Roosevelt Island Disabled Association  (RIDA) President Wendy Hope reports:
The Roosevelt Island Disabled Association along with Mosaic Church will be delivering the grab n go breakfast and lunches this coming week provided by the Board of Education.

We are in need of some volunteers to deliver to those in need in the various buildings. If you are able to deliver these small bags to your neighbors within your building please let me know... we will be working from the senior center and will ask you to pick up for your building at 9:30am. We are all in this together and we can get through this together.

Please email Wendy Hersh or respond to Ms Williams on Facebook if you can help.

Also, a group of Roosevelt Island residents have organized to help the residents and staff at the Coler Facility.
Friends of Coler are coordinating together on Roosevelt Island to help Coler Rehab & Nursing Care Center during the COVID-19 crisis. The RI resident who acquired and donated medical supplies on Friday said that administration was very appreciative.

RIOC, NY City, and NY State elected officials and staff were all contacted this past week and on Saturday. They have responded. And they are on it!

An online suggestion box has been set up for people living and working at Coler to send in ideas about concerns or suggestions. You may share this link if you have friends who are staff or residents at Coler.

Coler has requested art work or photos for encouragement from Islanders. Some RI residents have recently donated money.

Please email for more specific information and ways to help out. You may also email to simply to be counted anonymously as part of our RI support for Coler.
Ms Hersh shares this report and photos of Roosevelt Island residents helping our Seniors And Disabled neighbors with food deliveries yesterday. According to Ms Hersh:
What a fulfilling day. I've

been living here over 40 yrs and what I saw today was what Roosevelt Island was always about. The Disabled Association, Mosaic Church and Carter Burden banded together with the assistance of Frank Farance and the Cert team along

with many volunteers who we were so grateful for to distribute over 100 each of both produce and food bags....

we were so blessed by the Dream Center who provided these wonderful food bags for us to give out. So proud to be a part of this community. This just shows us that no one organization can do everything by themselves...but when we join together we can move mountains!!