Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Don't Risk Your Life, Don't Risk Someone's Else's Life, Wear A Mask Says Governor Cuomo - RIOC Mask Guidelines For Roosevelt Island

This is why it's important to wear a mask/face covering in public when you can't keep your social distance away from others.

According to the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC):
RIOC Advisory: Mask Guidelines - July 7th, 2020

As New York City enters Phase 3 of New York Forward, it is important for all of us to take time to learn about the various aspects of the face mask/covering policy, as per the law.

What is a face mask/covering?

A face covering is anything that covers the nose and mouth including cloth masks, surgical masks, scarves, and any other covering that serves as a barrier to prevent breathing in airborne particles.

Who must wear a face mask/covering?

Essential workers must wear face coverings when in direct contact with the public. This includes essential staff, Peace Officers (PSD), law enforcement, as well as workers in essential businesses like grocery stores and pharmacies.

What about the general public?

Any person who is over the age of two must wear a face covering in public when near other people who do not reside in their household. (“Near” is generally defined as within 6 feet). Individuals who cannot tolerate wearing a face mask/face covering based on medical conditions are exempt from this requirement.

Can PSD/NYPD arrest or ticket someone for not wearing a face mask/covering?

PSD and NYPD’s primary mission is to remind members of the public that compliance with this directive is essential to protecting the health and safety of the public. NYPD and PSD Officers can issue reminders and warnings when they observe people who do not live in the same household in close proximity to each other without wearing face coverings.

Summonses will only be issued as a last resort where egregious conduct poses a serious danger to public health. In that limited circumstance, a C-summons may be issued for Admin. Code 3-108, violating a Mayoral Emergency Order requiring face coverings be worn in public.

Can a store require customers to wear face mask/coverings?

Yes. If a customer refuses to wear a face covering and/or refuses to leave the store after being asked to do so by an employee, enforcement may be taken for trespass by a Public Safety Officer or a member of the NYPD.

Source: NYPD Comprehensive Guide on COVID-19 Restrictions
Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Common Council Member Adib Mansour created this flyer to encourge mask/face coverings.