Saturday, August 1, 2020

Long Time RIOC Staffer Fernando Vargas Retires After 38 Years Of Service To Roosevelt Island Community - Residents Gather At Nisi To Show Their Appreciation And Wish Him Well

Long time Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) staffer Fernando Vargas retired this week after 38 years of service to the Roosevelt Island Community. Yesterday, residents gathered outside Nisi Kitchen to show Mr Vargas their appreciation for his service to the community.

According to the iDig2Learn Instagram post:

Fernando served our neighborhood with joy for 36 years! Retiring yesterday, community members left their apts (many for the 1st time) to safely say thank you! Those who couldn’t, sent words of appreciation.

Interestingly enough he helped every community group as if they were the only ones. So when the tennis group showed up us gardeners smiled realizing we weren’t the only ones. The Historical Society, Girls Scouts, GRIN, Garden Club & Jewish Congregation leaders all came by along with others. Fernando beautified the grounds, always lent a hand, was the 1st to set up events and the last to leave, supporting all ages equally & treating everyone from the public to his crew with deep respect & great love.

Fernando served our neighborhood with joy for 36 years! Retiring yesterday, community members left their apts (many for the 1st time) to safely say thank you! Those who couldn’t, sent words of appreciation. Interestingly enough he helped every community group as if they were the only ones. So when the tennis group showed up us gardeners smiled realizing we weren’t the only ones. The Historical Society, Girls Scouts, GRIN, Garden Club & Jewish Congregation leaders all came by along with others. Fernando beautified the grounds, always lent a hand, was the 1st to set up events and the last to leave, supporting all ages equally & treating everyone from the public to his crew with deep respect & great love. #missyou #happyretirement #communityservice TY @nisikitchen for the delicious chocolate heart-shaped cakes!
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Thank you for your service to Roosevelt Island Mr Vargas. Best Wishes in your retirement.