Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Black Artists Through History Lesson 2, Folk Musicians By Painter Romare Howard Bearden - Inspired By The Roosevelt Island March For Justice, Take The Drawing Challenge Says RIRA Youth Committee Chair

Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Children, Youth & Education Committee Chair Adib Mansour developed a series of Black Artists Through History Lessons inspired by the June 3 Roosevelt Island March For Justice The first lesson last month was on sculptor Edmonia Lewis.

The second Black Artists Through History Lessons from Mr Mansour is on the painter Romare Howard Bearden.

According to Mr. Mansour:
Romare Howard Bearden, was an American painter, whose unique collages of photographs and painted paper on canvas depict his take on Black culture in America in a style derived from Cubism. Bearden was active in social and civil rights issues. His art embodies the importance of our cultures; He said: "You should always respect what you are and your culture because if your art is going to mean anything, that is where it comes from.” In her My Hero Blog, Janie from San Diego described Romare’s work "His passion and determination gave people hope that everyone could achieve their goals.”

I too encourage every Roosevelt Island youth to pursue their dreams and make them a reality. Celebrate your culture and make it the foundation of your future. Bearden is an excellent example of how exploration and celebration of one’s culture can influence and drive their artistic work and their future- how can you do this in your own life?

I hope you enjoy this lesson. I would be honored if you take the artistic challenge and send me your painted version of Romare Howard Bearden's work

to my RIRA email: RIRAdib@eartrhlink.net

I would also encourage the youth to email me your thoughts on these wonderful black artists and your opinions on a vision for equality on the island, in this city of ours, and in our country. I would love to engage in a thoughtful discussion of race and equity in art history and theory.
Here's more on the painter Romare Howard Bearden,

sculptor Edmonia Lewis from Black Artists History Lesson 1 and the Coronavirus School Shutdown Art History Lesson Challenges from Mr. Mansour too.