Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Roosevelt Island Bridge Bike Lane Cheese Grater Safety Hazard On Agenda For Manhattan Community Board 8 Transportation Committee Zoom Meeting Tomorrow - Sign Up To Attend

As previously reported:

Roosevelt Island resident Paul Krikler has been working to make the Roosevelt Island Bridge Bike lane safe for cyclists. According to Mr Krikler:

... It’s like riding over a an industrial cheese grater....

... The metal grille surface on the bridge is fine for cars but the metal grille makes it extremely uncomfortable to ride across on a bike. Further, in wet and / or cold conditions, the surface becomes very treacherous to cycle across and becomes extremely slippery. I have seen people slide over and fall....


According to a spokesperson for Roosevelt Island's NYC Council Member Ben Kallos:

DOT is evaluating bike-friendly materials for the bridge deck and will ask for funding in the next budget.
  Council Member Kallos adds: 
Our office is looking forward to seeing DOT's plan and suggestions. Any opportunity we get to help improve the City's bike infrastructure is an opportunity we like to take advantage of,...

DOT is the NYC Department of Transportation which has jurisdiction over the Roosevelt Island Bridge and has been promising to review the Roosevelt Island Bridge bike lane safety hazard since 2011.

Tomorrow evening, December 2, the Manhattan Community Board 8 Transportation committee, together with the Roosevelt Island committee, will discuss issues of Roosevelt Island Bridge Bike safety

Here's more info at this prior post.

For access to the CB 8 Transportation Committee Zoom meeting, sign in by clicking this link.