Motorgate Bike Ramp, Sportspark, Lighthouse Tower, Nelly Bly Sculpture And Dark Fiber Project On February 17 RIOC Real Estate Committee Meeting Agenda - Is Bike Ramp Needed On Roosevelt Island, How About Fixing Long Broken Motorgate Escalator?
The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Real Estate Development Advisory Committee is
meeting tomorrow, February 17. Among the items on meeting agenda is proposed Motorgate Bike Ramp.
According to
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a meeting of the Real Estate Development Advisory Committee of the RIOC Board of Directors (“REDAC”) will be held on Wednesday, February 17, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. via videoconference.
- 1. Bike Ramp/Bike Lane Project
- 2. Sportspark
- 3. Lighthouse Tower
- 4. Nellie Bly Project
- 5. Dark Fiber Project
- 6. Any Other Committee Business That May be Brought Before the Committee
*** Due to public health concerns and as authorized by Executive Order of the Governor, this meeting will be conducted via videoconference.
Members of public may submit their comments for the REDAC meeting by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 16, 2021 via Speak at a Meeting link on RIOC’s website. All comments will be taken as advisement. The public comment period is not part of the REDAC meeting.
The link to a webcast will be posted on RIOC’s website by 12:00 pm on Wednesday, February 17, 2021.
Here's the RIOC Speak at a Meeting link and
webcast link.
More info from RIOC on the Motorgate Bike Ramp
Earlier today, I asked RIOC:
The proposed Motorgate Bike Ramp is on the Agenda for approval at the Real Estate Committee and full Board meetings this week.
RIOC President Shelton Haynes and RIOC Board members have previously said they would seek community input on whether the bike ramp is needed and desired by the community. Other than an online survey regarding bike safety issues, I am not aware of any community meetings or other attempts by RIOC to seek the opinions of Roosevelt Island residents regarding approval of the Motorgate Bike Ramp.
Has there been any outreach by RIOC to the community seeking opinions about the proposed Bike Ramp? If so, what was it?
I have not seen any consensus by residents approving a Motorgate Bike Ramp. In fact, Roosevelt Island Residents Association President Rossana Ceruzzi has said:
... While it is always important to treat the community with respect, it is very important to do so when controversial plans are being discussed. This project is yet another rush through job that has NOT been presented to the community for consideration and when residents feel ignored or pushed around, dialogue becomes difficult. This is another project that will chop down trees in exchange for a bike ramp. Do we have any alternatives? What is the purpose of it? Who will it serve? Why has the escalator been out of service for over a decade? Escalators that would provide service to seniors, disabled and alleviate the congestion on the elevators at Motorgate?...Roosevelt Island Historical Society President Judy Berdy adds:TEARING DOWN OUR CHERRY TREES TO BUILD A BIKE RAMP IS A JOKE. WE HAVE SEEN BIKERS DO NOT GIVE A DARN ABOUT SAFETY AND WILL STILL GO DOWN THE HELIX!! WE GET A FEW DOZEN BIKERS ON A WEEKEND. THERE IS NO GROUNDSWELL OF BIKE RIDERS HERE. LOOSING ANOTHER GREEN AREA IS SHOWING THE CONSTANT REMOVAL OF GREEN FOR CEMENT AND UN-NECESSARY PROJECTS..Has RIOC considered using funds to rebuild the long broken Motorgate Escalator instead of the Bike Ramp?
Does RIOC have any comment on the Bike Ramp and efforts to seek input from the community?
Will update if RIOC responds.
Here's the long broken Motorgate escalator.
The Motorgate Bike ramp is also on the Agenda for February 18 RIOC Board of Directors meeting.
UPDATE 10:30 PM - RIOC spokesperson Erica Spencer-El replied to my inquiry:
Reader comments from Facebook post:For the upcoming REDAC meeting scheduled for tomorrow at 5:30 PM via video conference, there will be a presentation from our CPP Project Manager who will provide a broad overview of the timeline for the Helix Bike Ramp/Lane project as well as community engagement efforts that were implemented to show our due diligence to solicit concerns and address safe bike access to R.I.
As for Motorgate, plans are in the works to address the facility, noting key issues concerning the atrium and prioritizing accessibility for all patrons.
- As a frequent bike rider, the bike ramp is a nice to have if done well, but the money could be better spent elsewhere. I am fine using the elevation up and riding the current car ramp down. I often pause to see if there is a break in the traffic before I head down the ramp.
- Many roads need repair, including the shore promenades; please forget that ramp.
- Speaking as an avid biker, this bike ramp is not needed. Save those cherry trees 💯 Plz do fix the new potholes on top though. Also - not many folks need the escalators. They would be underused too
- Screw the ramp and get rid of that cheese grater bridge!
UPDATE 2/17: