Thursday, February 18, 2021

iDig2Learn Celebrating Roosevelt Island Nature Series Continues With Speaker Beatrice Ajaero, She's A Local Resident, Nigerian Restaurant Owner And RI Farmers Market Vendor - Free Virtual Talk, Our Impact On Earth & Each Other

Roosevelt Island resident and iDig2Learn Founder Christina Delfico reports on the latest Celebrating Roosevelt Island Nature event. According to Ms Delfico:

FREE Virtual Talk

Our Impact on Earth and Each Other 

Guest Speaker: Beatrice Ajaero, IBARI & Nneji 

10am - 11am​ ​Monday,​ ​February 22nd, 2021 Our daily choices play a huge role in the health of people and planet. 

Get inspired by Beatrice Ajaero as she shares practices she uses in business and life. 

RSVP “IMPACT” to: ​ Virtual talk GoToMeeting link to come. 

All ages welcome. 

Beatrice Ajaero discussed her views on local sustainability practices in this Engaged RI video for 2020 Climate Week.

According to Ms Ajaero:

As a small business owner sometimes you forget that you make a lot of decisions during the day, but we work hard to see that every product we source and every partnership we kindle is geared towards making a positive impact for the environment for the people.

Ms Ajaero is Roosevelt Island resident and entrepreneur having recently opened a new Nigerian and West African take out restaurant in Astoria, Nneji, 

and sells her meals at the Roosevelt Island Saturday Farmers Market too.

RSVP “IMPACT” to: ​ Virtual talk GoToMeeting link to come.