Friday, April 10, 2009

RIRA Reaffirms Roosevelt Island Public Purpose Funds Allocation - Decision Now Up To RIOC

Meeting of April 7 RIRA Public Purpose Funds Subcommittee

RIRA President Frank Farance sends the following message to RIOC President Steve Shane and the Roosevelt Island community regarding RIRA's recommendation to the RIOC Board of Directors for allocation of Public Purpose Funds.
On April 7, 2009, as directed by the RIRA Common Council, the RIRA PPG committee met again to reconsider the PPG allocations. Below, please find the meeting report.

On April 8-9, the RIRA Common Council balloted the resolution (see below). The resolution was approved by a vote of 20 (approve), 1 (disapprove), 3 (abstain).
Below, please find the RIRA resolution regarding our approval of the PPG allocations. Note that the PPG allocation amounts are the same as the prior RIRA allocation.

RIRA quickly addressed this concern (approximately 7 days) and RIRA requests that RIOC quickly approve the funding because some applicants (Island Kids, Life Frames) need their funding no later than May 1, 2009 to successfully start their 2009 program.

***Without RIOC's immediate funding, this would have a negative impact on approximately one thousand Island residents (250+ for Island Kids, 700+ for Life Frames.***

Finally, it was disappointing that Mr. Stewart, the Chair of the Governance Committee, did not attend the RIRA Common Council nor the RIRA PPG meeting. I received no response from our invitation to the RIRA PPG meeting. Clearly Mr. Stewart has keen interest in the RIRA process and it is unfortunate that he was unable to directly observe the committee's work.

Please let me know when RIOC is scheduling a board meeting to approve the PPG monies. Thanks.
Below is the report of the meeting and approved resolution.

1. Meeting started approximately 8:15 PM and ended approximately 9:30 PM.

2. Meeting was attended by Frank Farance (chair), Steve Marcus, Margie Smith, Erin Feely-Nahem, and Phoebe Flynn.

3. The RIOC Board, PPG applicants, and the public were permitted to observe, but not participate in the committee discussions concerning the allocations of funds. (There were some general questions about what the RIRA PPG committee would be doing in this meeting.)

4. Each member asserted that they have no conflicting relationship (employee, owner, officer, director) with any of the applicants.

5. The committee took the action to reconsider the PPG allocations.

6. The committee discussed each application, if there was any new information, and its scoring according to the established criteria. The committee discussed the relative merits comparing the high-, medium-, and low- ranking applications.

7. The committee arrived at the following allocations:

$0 Child School
$36,000 Island Kids
$20,000 Life Frames
$0 Orphans International
$10,000 RICLA
$4,000 RI Day Nursery
$25,000 RI Disabled Association
5,000 RI Seniors Association

with the following rationale:

- The applications were scored based upon the established criteria.

- Some proposals (Child School, Orphans International) were excluded because they did not provide significant direct benefit to Roosevelt Island residents.

- The highest ranked proposals (Island Kids, RI Disabled Association, RI Seniors Association) were considered first and given highest priority in their funding.

- The next highest ranked proposals (Life Frames, RICLA) were considered and given second priority in funding.

- The remaining proposals (RI Day Nursery) were considered and given third priority in funding.


Whereas the RIRA Common Council has received information concerning an appearance of conflict of interest within the discussions of the RIRA PPG committee and PPG applicants;

Whereas the RIRA Common Council took immediate action and asked the RIRA PPG committee to reconsider its allocations of PPG funds with a committee composed of members having no conflicting (employee, owner, officer, director) relationship with PPG applicants;

Whereas the RIRA PPG committee reconsidered the allocation of funds and provided rationale for its decision-making;

Resolved, the RIRA Common Council recommends to RIOC the following PPG allocations for 2009: Child School $0, Island Kids $36,000, Life Frames $20,000, Orphans International $0, RICLA $10,000, RI Day Nursery $4,000, RI Disabled Association $25,000, RI Seniors Association $5,000; with the following rationale: (1) the applications were scored based upon the established criteria; (2) some proposals (Child School, Orphans International) were excluded because they did not provide significant direct benefit to Roosevelt Island residents; (3) the highest ranked proposals (Island Kids, RI Disabled Association, RI Seniors Association) were considered first and given highest priority in their funding; (4) the next highest ranked proposals (Life Frames, RICLA) were considered and given second priority in funding; (5) the remaining proposals (RI Day Nursery) were considered and given third priority in funding.

Approved by RIRA on April 9, 2009.
A subsequent email message indicated that Mr. Stewart was out of town for the RIRA Public Purpose subcommittee meeting. Mr. Kalkin, another RIOC Governance Committee member was in attendance.

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Orphans International and the Roosevelt Island Day Nursery sent the following message to Roosevelt Islander Blog prior to the meeting.

From Orphans International:
Orphans International has for many years been a place of volunteering and service for the residents of Roosevelt Island. Recently this has increased as Island residents became aware of the many college interns coming to Roosevelt Island for OIWW jobs training. At the present time 5 RI teens are doing office work at OIWW to meet their school's requirements for community service. The NY courts have assigned 2 people to do work for us to complete court ordered community service. Over 200 people have applied for summer internships here, but only 23 will be chosen. Many RI residents asked how they could be chosen for our positions, so we decided to offer evening classes.

Because of the large number of professionals who visit our computer lab (all donated) OI has started offering classes in support of job hunters. The first 2 classes attracted 7 students each. RI residents searching for jobs will receive help researching possible job sites, preparing a resume, learning to "get through" to potential employers and practice with their interview.

The opportunity to learn to use many new programs is very attractive to people looking for work in this competitive job market. OIWW asked for RIRA funds to cover our utility bills for our space at 559 Main.
If we receive it we can consider increasing our jobs training activity at the office, and know that we are not having to take money our of the orphans mouths to do it.
And Roosevelt Island Day Nursery:
... In regards to the criteria, "Proportion of recipients who are residents of Roosevelt Island," all of the families who received financial aid for this year, do live on Roosevelt Island. Our tuitions for this year are $10,275-$14,525 plus an additional fee for afterschool....