Monday, April 6, 2009

Report From RIOC's President - Budget Adopted, Southpoint Park Developments, Tram Update, Public Purpose Funds & Other Roosevelt Island Issues

RIOC logo image from RIOC

Starting a new feature and hope it will continue. RIOC President Steve Shane sends the following report to Roosevelt Island residents. This message was also published as the RIOC column in the 4/04/09 Main Street WIRE. Mr. Shane addresses issues on RIOC's Budget, The Tram, Renwick Ruins Stabilization, Green Rooms/Wild Garden and FDR Memorial among several other items of importance to Roosevelt Island.
1. Board of Directors: Regular Meeting March 26, 2009. The Budget for Fiscal Year 2009/10 was adopted. Public Purpose Fund allocation recommended by RIRA was tabled after discussion and was the subject of a Governance Committee meeting on 3/31/09. See below. See netcast of the meetings at RIOC’s homepage.

2. Southpoint: As to projects:

(A) Renwick Ruins: Stabilization work to be completed by the end of April. The building will then be boarded up to secure the interior and prevent the trespassing which seems to be created by our very own attractive restoration. Something about the Spring, moonlight and teenagers. Unfortunately, two of our Public Safety Officers were injured, one with a fractured ankle, chasing some kids in the Ruin.

(B) Green Rooms/Wild Gardens: The contractor, Coppola Paving & Landscaping Corp., has executed and delivered its contract and bonds and will start with mobilization, rough grading, paths and stone walls. Phase 2 will be the finish grading and capping of the site, utilities, fencing and planting.

We are planning a combined ceremony for the groundbreaking for GR/WG and completion of the Ruins stabilization in early May. Stay tuned for details.

(C) FDR Memorial: FERI is working on engineering and permitting with DEC, Army Corp. of Engineers, Coastguard, etc. FERI has dug test pits and taken cores for environmental and structural analysis and delivered soils analysis for review, to be part of the SEQRA process. The State Budget includes a $4 million capital appropriation to RIOC for the FDR Memorial project, conditioned on a matching $4 million from the City and at least $8 million in the possession of FERI as necessary to complete phase 1. Much remains to be worked out.

3. Tram: Work is underway on design and fabrication. Meeting with Community Board 8 Transportation Committee scheduled for April 7 at the NY Blood Center. On schedule for July 6, 2009 shutdown and December reopening. With the withdrawal of Renzo Piano, Thornton Tomasetti has undertaken architectural work in addition to its previous structural engineering engagement. As soon as designs and sketches are available, will make available to the community. I hope to have something available for the CB8 meeting next week.

4. Red Bus, Tram and Subway: Faced with the announcement of late night F train shutdown during the week by MTA for emergency track work, in the interim, RIOC is running the Tram and Red Bus service until 5AM until MTA restores service on or about April 10.

5. Projects: Grounds cleanup underway. Lighting at Motorgate (we are experimenting by installing two alternative types to test efficacy), replace the exterior of the AVAC building, install replacement chambers for AVAC and start on the improvements to PSD. Public Safety has temporarily relocated to 504 Main Street while the work is being done. Flowers for Main Street are coming.

6. Public Purpose Fund: As part of the budgeting cycle, RIOC received applications from the several entities applying for allocation of the $100,000 of public purpose funding, forwarded them to RIRA and after RIRA’s review, and received a recommendation for action at the March Board meeting. The matter was tabled for further review by the Governance Committee. The Governance Committee met on March 31 and looked into the process by which the RIRA recommendations were made. The Committee will report to the Board on the matter. RIOC conducted an audit (both financial and function) on the recipients of last year’s awards and presented the results to both the Board and RIRA’s review committee.

Read More!

7. Sportspark Swimming: In response to requests, effective March 9, morning weekday adult swim hours is extended to 11 AM to accommodate those with child care responsibility. We hope for ever greater participation.

8. Bank: RIOC received a notice from NYNB that it intends to close its branch at 615 Main Street on June 6, 2009, saying that the business does not justify maintaining its operation. Banking is very important to the Island’s population, especially the seniors, handicapped and merchants who do not have easy access to either online or mainland banking. We have written to NYNB and the various governmental agencies supervising bank operations expressing our dismay and calling their attention to lease provisions to which they will be held. We have met with another institution encourage it to come to the Island, and while trying to drum up business for a bank is not exactly within RIOC’s charter, we are trying to facilitate.

9. Main Street Commercial: The Real Estate Committee, chaired by Board member Charlee Miller, met with the consultant doing the study to review preliminary findings and recommendations. Many RIRA members also participated, led by Margie Smith.

10. Southtown Buildings 5 and 6 moving toward completion. Landscaping being done and interior finishes and fixtures being installed (see refrigerator deliveries). Our agreement for deferral of Ground Rent increase has been finalized and will be executed when supporting documentation is obtained from the building loan lender, attorneys, title company, etc.

11. 36th Avenue Bridge: On April 1, we met with representatives of Skanska and DOT to discuss mandatory bridge closings to replace buffers and cables. They are not kidding. The Bridge will be closed the nights of April 15 & 16 (and if it rains on either, then also on the 17th) between the hours of 12:30AM and 5:30AM. No vehicles will be able to cross during that time. A similar closing is scheduled for June 29 & 30. We are coordinating with emergency services to station fire, police and EMS responders on Island and to plan for transport and response if necessary. We will run the Tram during the period of closure to make sure that there is access and egress. We have lived through this situation before, are well aware of the potential difficulty and will do our best to mitigate the disruption. PLEASE MAKE PLANS ACCORDINGLY.