Is Trust For The Public Land Still Involved in Roosevelt Island's Southpoint Park Green Rooms/Wild Gardens Project?
Following up on a remark made by a Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Common Council Member during RIRA's April 1 meeting, I inquired of RIOC President Steve Shane:
At last night's RIRA Meeting, one of the delegates stated that He/She was told by someone from the Franklin & Eleanor Roosevelt Institute that the Trust For The Public Land was no longer involved in the Green Rooms/Wild Gardens Southpoint Park project and that the project had slowed down considerably recently.Mr. Shane replied:
Is that true? If so, what happened?
Absolutely untrue.After the jump is an excerpt of RIOC's description of the Trust For Public Land's scope of work for the Southpoint Park Green Rooms/Wild Gardens Project.
TPL has a contract and is performing same. RIOC has taken over the last part of the contract, namely supervision during construction, to expedite matters. Construction is scheduled to actually commence next week.
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The Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation has engaged the Trust for Public Land under a three year contract for final design and construction documents for the 12 acres at Southpoint Park. The condensed scope of work includes:
Phase I: Consultant Selection Phase - 6/1/06 to 11/15/06
Task 1: Request for Proposals for Design Services
The Contractor shall draft a Request for Proposals (RFP) including a complete project description with site conditions, expected final results, a schedule for completion, and criteria for selecting a preferred proposal. The Contractor shall submit the RFP to RIOC for review and approval prior to release for solicitation of proposals.
Products: Approved RFP released through advisement in local papers, the New York State Contract Reporter, and other appropriate means.
Task 2: Design Consultant Selection
In consultation with RIOC, the Contractor and an appropriate review committee shall review all proposals received as a result of the RFP.
After review of all proposals, the selection committee will develop a shortlist of firms for interviews. Key personnel and staff assigned to the Consultant Team must be present at the interview.
Products: Consultant(s) selected and approved by DCR/RIOC.
Status - Complete - Wallace, Roberts and Todd (WRT), LLC Selected as Lead Firm
The complete description of work is here.