Roosevelt Island Road Closure Advisories For Pothole Repairs and Repaving
According to RIOC:
Road Closure Advisory
Please be advised of the upcoming road closures and temporary re-routing for Main Street and Tramway Road.
1. Starting on Tuesday April 7, 2009, RIOC's Asphalt contractor will be on the island repairing potholes starting from Coler Hospitals main entrance to South Point tackling all necessary potholes, which will take place for the most part of the week. The contractor will have Flag Men to assist with the traffic, we will start after rush hour and try to finish before the evening rush.
2. Starting April 13, 2009, Hudson Related's Asphalt contractor for South Town will be Asphalting the top layer (Finish Coat) around South Town's New Main Street, Tram Roadway finishing to the West Drive, the work will take place throughout the week. Contractor will have Flag Men, the buses will have to be re routed for a day or two around Sports Park. We will have confirmation on which day the rerouting of the buses will occur by the 13th.
3. Also starting on Monday April 13,2009, RIOC�s contractor will be starting the Main Street Pavement Reconstruction from 40 River Road/ Main Street to the Octagon Soccer Field Comfort Station entrance. The traffic lanes will be reduced to one lane creating two way traffic on one lane with channelizing Devices and Flag Men during construction hours, during the evening only channelizing devices will be in place. This work will be performed in two halves, the first half will be on the North bound lane for two weeks and the second half will be on the south bound lane for an additional two weeks. During this work the 40 River Road bus stop will have to be relocated to accommodate the traffic flow.

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