Repaving Roosevelt Island Streets and Pothole Repair - Bye Bye Z Bricks
RIOC President Steve Shane responds to the following two comments by readers of this recent post on Roosevelt Island Pothole repair and street paving:
Who is in charge of fixing potholes on RI? The NYC DOT or the RIOC? Can I call 311 and report a pothole or do I have to call the RIOC?And:
Bye, bye z-bricks. Little by little all the character is being sucked out of the Island.From Mr. Shane:
Call RIOC to report potholes. We are responsible for fixing them, hence the present advisory about street closings for such repair program.Five years ago the RIOC Board set aside funds for the maintenance of the Z Bricks in their 5 year Capital Plan. The April 3, 2004 Main Street WIRE reported on this exchange between previous RIOC Board Director Ponton and RIOC President Berman concerning the Z Bricks.
Repaving will ultimately do away with the z brick which are a constant source of problem and presently unreplaceable. We will continue their use in plazas.
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...RIOC President Herb Berman, responding to a question from resident Board member Mark Ponton, said that it is “absolutely not the case” that RIOC management has decided to discontinue maintenance of sections of Z-brick on the Island, and substitute asphalt or blacktop. Board Chair Mary BethLabate said the five-year capital plan includes funds for the higher cost of maintaining the Z-bricks....

Other interesting items from the 2004 RIOC Budget include:
- ...Certain items of Island infrastructure, in particular the street lighting, will be maintained in the future by the City when and if all elements are converted to the City standard.
- Discussion indicated that RIOC will retain some control over commercial uses of ground-floor space in Southtown buildings #3 and #4. Berman indicated attention would be paid to the concerns of competition in the Island’s micro-economy.
- In his President’s report, Berman said RIOC is hiring an elevator expert to develop and implement a permanent solution to the problem of frequent elevator outages and erratic operation at Motorgate....