What Is The Future of Roosevelt Island's 504 Main Street? Is Proposed Child School Plan For Second Floor Dance/Theater Auditorium Incompatible With Hoped For Public Library Space?
The future of Roosevelt Island's 504 Main was reported on in this previous post last November:
... There is a consensus among residents that the first floor should be used as the new home for the Roosevelt Island Public Library. The new Main Street Master Leaseholder, Hudson/Related, has expressed a willingness to rent the first floor of 504 Main Street to the Library, the Library has expressed a desire to rent that space but there is still an open question as to how such a deal will be financed. Estimates have been $10-15 million dollars to build a library at 504.During the February meeting of the Roosevelt Island Residents Association Public Session, concern was raised by Janet Falk of the Roosevelt Island Community Literary Associates regarding the possible leasing of the second floor of 504 Main Street to the Child School for a Dance/Theater auditorium and its compatibility with the use of the first floor as a public library.
What type of tenant leases the second floor at 504 Main Street is another question and there are competing visions for that space. Among those seeking the second floor space is the Child School, whose Executive Director Sal Fererra is also a recently appointed, and controversial Director of the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC), the Sub-Landlord to Master Leaseholder Hudson Related. Mr. Fererra has publicly announced his desire to develop an Arts Center for the second floor of 504 Main Street.
... among the uses being considered for the second floor space was:
- green office/desk/ conference space for freelance workers,
- the Child School proposal,
- a place of worship for the Roosevelt Island Islamic Society and
- space for the Gallery RIVAA. ...
I asked RIOC Director and Child School Executive Director Sal Ferrera if leasing the second floor of 504 Main Street to the Child School for a Dance/Theater auditorium would be compatible with the quiet and study of a Public Library on the first floor of the building due to the noise and activity taking place from the Dance/Theater auditorium.
Mr. Fererra replied:
We are cognizant of the sound issues. Our plans include soundproofing all of our roomsHudson Related Master Leaseholder David Kramer answered question regarding 504 Main Street at Retail Town Hall Meeting held last October. Here's what he had to say.
Is there need of another space for theater and dance performances on Roosevelt Island? The Main Street Theater & Dance Alliance has existing space for such purposes. There's also the outdoor Eastwood Amphitheater which will have Shakespeare performances this summer.