Sunday, October 21, 2012

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki- Moon Visits Roosevelt Island FDR Four Freedoms Park Last Thursday - More On Dedication Ceremony From Resident Reporter Kim Lengle

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon came to Roosevelt Island to visit the FDR Four Freedoms Park last Thursday and pay tribute to President Franklin D. Roosevelt's global vision.

President Roosevelt's granddaughter Anna Roosevelt was also here on Thursday. She remarked that FDR never wanted a memorial to himself. She added that she thought if FDR was alive today he would see the importance of memorials as visual cues of what we need to aspire to.

Here's a report of the Roosevelt Island visit of the UN Secretary General and Ms. Roosevelt from United Nations TV.

Also, Roosevelt Island resident Kim Lengle reports on last Wednesday's FDR Four Freedoms Park Dedication Ceremony for Richard French Live TV Program. Here's Ms. Lengle's report.

More on the FDR Four Freedoms Park Dedication at this
previous post.