Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Roosevelt Island Management Upheavals Continue, RIOC Parks and Recreation Manager Out - What's Coming Next?

Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) management upheavals continue today although not on the Senior Level staff as has happened twice in the last several months. Today, I sent the following inquiry to Acting RIOC President Don Lewis and the RIOC Board of Directors:
I understand that Parks and Recreation Manager Michael Smith has resigned or been fired from RIOC. Is that true?

Does RIOC have any comment on the departure of Mr Smith and the continuing management upheaval at RIOC?

Also, is Mr Smith's departure related in any way to the departure of former RIOC president Leslie Torres or former Vice President of Operations Fernando Martinez....
RIOC's Press Spokesperson replied:
We can confirm that Michael Smith is no longer with RIOC.
As previously reported:
... There have been rumors flying around Roosevelt Island for awhile about big changes coming to RIOC, particularly since:
Also, departing this month from RIOC was the Vice President of Operations, Fernando Martinez, without an explanation for the reason.

During RIOC Real Estate Committee meeting discussion yesterday on allocation of Roosevelt Island Community Space, I asked whether there were any inquiries by NY State investigatory bodies on dispostion of Roosevelt Island real estate. Acting RIOC President Don Lewis said not that he was aware of but RIOC Director Howard Polivy added that all NY State Public Authorities are now under heightened scrutiny though he did not know the reason for it.

Here's the exchange.

RIOC certainly appears to be under heightened scrutiny.

Also, here's the audio web cast of the full RIOC December 18 Real Estate Committee meeting.