Thursday, December 13, 2012

Roosevelt Island Management Upheaval And Uncertainty Continues - Vice President Of Operations Gone, President Gone, No Word From RIOC Acting President Or Directors On Who Is Running The Place

 Image of RIOC VP Of Operations Fernando Martinez (center) at 11/15 Ops Committee Meeting

Reported last November 19 that Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Vice President of Operations Fernando Martinez had just resigned effective December 21 and
... There have been rumors flying around Roosevelt Island for awhile about big changes coming to RIOC, particularly since:
Reasons for Mr. Martinez resignation are not known as yet. He will be difficult to replace since he is so familiar with all aspects of Roosevelt Island and nobody on the current staff has his detailed knowledge about Roosevelt Island.

This is a big deal, particularly with the many Roosevelt Island infrastructure issues that need to be addressed as well as coordination of the new Cornell NYC Tech Campus and Southtown Buildings 7-9....
Reasons for Mr. Martinez resignation are still not known but I learned that his resignation was moved up to last Friday December 7 (Mr. Martinez is no longer listed on RIOC web site). Yesterday, I sent the following inquiry to Acting RIOC President Don Lewis and the RIOC Board:
I understand that as of last Friday, Fernando Martinez is no longer the Vice President Of Operations for Roosevelt Island Operating Corp. Is that true?

It had previously been stated that his resignation was not effective until December 21.

Is there anybody at RIOC currently who has the experience and qualifications to run Roosevelt Island operations?

Does RIOC have any comment on this and who will be taking over for Mr. Martinez's position as head of Operations?

Thank you.
RIOC's Press Spokesperson replied today:
In response to your first question, that is correct.
 There was no other response.

The next RIOC Board of Directors meeting is on December 20. At RIOC Board meetings, Mr. Martinez would present the operational Agenda Items to the Directors, explain reasons why they should be approved or not and managed the projects.  Mr. Martinez will now not be there to present at the December 20 RIOC Board meeting or during future committee meetings such as this Hurricane Sandy aftermath briefing. No word from RIOC on who will do that job now.

Here's the Agenda for December 20 RIOC Board meeting.

5:30 P.M.1

I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Approval of Minutes
1. September 20, 2012 Board Meeting (Board Action Required)
2. October 3, 2012 Special Board Meeting (Board Action Required)
3. October 25, 2012 Special Board Meeting (Board Action Required)
IV. Old Business
V. New Business
1. Approval of the Proposed RIOC Budget for Fiscal Year 2013-2014 (Materials to Follow - Board Action Required)
2. 2013 Meetings of the Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation Board of Directors (Board Action Required)
3. Authorization to Enter into Contract with ENVAC for On-Call AVAC Repair Services (Board Action Required)
4. Authorization to Enter into Contract with Nelson & Pope Engineers & Surveyors, PLLC for Blackwell House Mechanical, Engineering and Plumbing Re-Design (Board Action Required)
5. Authorization to Enter into Contract with Scientific Electric Company, Inc. for Electrical Installation at Motorgate Garage (Board Action Required)
6. Ratification of Change Order to Contract with Shawn Construction, Inc. for Waterproofing of Motorgate Garage
(Board Action Required)
7. Authorization to Enter into Amendment of License Agreement for Octagon Composting Area
(Board Action Required)
8. Authorization to Enter into Side Letter Agreement with New York City Public Library (NYCPL) in Connection with the Lease Agreement between NYCPL and Hudson Related Retail, LLC for 504 Main Street
(Board Action Required)
9. Authorization to Enter into Contract with FDR Four Freedoms Park, LLC for Maintenance Services for the FDR Four Freedoms Park (Board Action Required)
10. Ratification of Change Order to Contract with Quintal Contracting Corp. for Motorgate Ramp Drainage Improvements (Board Action Required)
11. President's Report
12. Committee Reports
a. Audit Committee
b. Governance Committee
c. Operations Advisory Committee
d. Real Estate Development Advisory Committee
13. Public Safety Report
VI. Adjournment

A question and answer session with general public and certain Board members will commence at 8:00 p.m.
Very strange days on at the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp.