Friday, October 26, 2012

RIOC Board Meets With Secretary To The Governor Larry Schwartz During Special Board Of Directors Meeting Yesterday - State To Take More Active Role In Roosevelt Island Affairs And Be More Collaborative With RIOC Board

The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Board Of Directors held a Special Meeting yesterday at the offices of the NY State Empire State Development Corp. The first Agenda Item,

Personnel Matters,
was in Executive Session closed to the public. Speculation is that the discussion concerned the selection of a permanent RIOC President.

The Third Agenda Item,
 Discussion Regarding Executive Search 
for a permanent RIOC President was taken off the Agenda during the Board Meeting. To what extent the discussion of Personnel Matters in Executive Session caused the removal of the discussion regarding an Executive Search for a permanent RIOC President is unknown at this time.

The Second Agenda Item,
Discussion Regarding New York State's Role in Economic Development of Roosevelt Island
was discussed in public.

Present at the meeting was Secretary to the Governor Larry Schwartz. Mr. Schwartz indicated that the Cuomo Administration is committed to working with the RIOC Board and he (Mr. Schwartz) promised to come out to Roosevelt Island and meet with the community

After Mr. Schwartz left the public meeting, several NY State officials stayed to discuss economic development issues including those involving the Cornell NYC Tech project and the NY State bond debt incurred in development of Roosevelt Island. The consensus of the meeting participants appeared to be that:
  • NY State will be more involved in addressing issues impacting Roosevelt Island by the Cornell NYC Tech project and 
  • RIOC has no responsibility for the NY State bond debt incurred in the development of Roosevelt Island unless there is a surplus of funds which could be used to return some of the state's money invested in Roosevelt Island.
Here's what happened during the Public Session of the October 25 RIOC Board of Dirctors Special Meeting. (Thanks to Roosevelt Island resident Mark Lyon for providing the video.)

Hope to learn more about what happened during the meeting soon.

UPDATE 6:15 PM - From RIOC's Press Spokesperson:
We are very pleased that Mr. Schwartz had a productive meeting with the RIOC Board and was also able to address the Island residents who attended the meeting. We are also pleased that Mr. Schwartz made clear that he and the Administration intend to work closely and collaboratively with the RIOC Board and Island residents going forward.