Roosevelt Island NYC Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT) Conduct Traffic Training Program Here Last Saturday - August 6 NY State Roosevelt Island Disaster Preparedness Class But Still No RI Evacuation Plan Made Public
The Roosevelt Island Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), together with other NYC CERT Teams, participated in a pedestrian and automobile traffic training program last Saturday on Roosevelt Island.
The Program began with classroom training by the NYPD. Roosevelt Island CERT Team member Lynn Strong-Shinozaki shares this picture of the training team
and reports:
We all learned a lot. This is the training team they were great!Following the classroom instruction, the CERT Teams members went out
to practice their newly acquired traffic management skills
on the Roosevelt Island street.
Roosevelt Island CERT Team member Ellen Polivy reports on the traffic training session.
NYC Community emergency response teams have important roles in augmenting primary emergency responders such as FDNY, NYPD and, here on Roosevelt Island, PSD.The Roosevelt Island Twitterverse noticed the traffic exercise.
Traffic management is an important role. This class, arranged by OEM, facilitated by RIOC (Jack McManus, Erica Spencer-El, Ann Rankin and others) and presented by NYPD, focused on the skills necessary to sucessfully manage vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
After class preparation participants from Roosevelt Island CERT and other CERT teams throughout the City practiced under the direct supervision of NYPD. Practical exercises like this are necessary so that a level of competence is available in emergency situations.
The twelve Roosevelt Island CERT attendees in no particular order were Lydia Tang, Russel Fields, Frank Farance, Gwen Ryals, Linda Heimer, Georgeanna, Galeateau, Ellen Polivy, Sherie Helstien,Matthew Katz, Lynne Shinozaki, Sharon Bermon, Howard Polivy.
Serious lack of crossing guards on Roosevelt Island
— Gordie Mazur (@GordieM) July 19, 2014
More information on CERT and how to join available from the NYC Office Of Emergency Management (OEM). According to OEM:OEM's Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) members undergo an intensive 10-week training program that raises awareness about emergencies and disasters and provides basic response skills needed for fire safety, light search and rescue, disaster medical operations, and traffic control. After graduating from the 10-week program, CERT members support their communities by assisting with emergency education and response. Emergency services personnel are the best equipped to respond to disasters. NYC CERT volunteers are trained to support the efforts of New York City's first responders.Additional info on the Roosevelt Island CERT Team and contact is here.
During non-emergency situations, NYC CERTs educate their communities about emergency preparedness by working with the Ready New York program and building community disaster networks.
Also, according to the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC)
On Wednesday, August 6 at 6:00 PM, the NYS Citizens Preparedness Corps will host a free disaster preparedness class for Roosevelt Island residents at the Manhattan Park Theater Club (8 River Road). In addition to the training, each family participating will receive a free Citizen Preparedness Corps Response Starter Kit, which includes a first aid kit, emergency food and water, AM/FM radio, flashlight, and more items that are useful in case of a man-made or natural disasterEmergency preparedness is very necessary. However, as reported about August 2013 OEM Roosevelt Island Emergency Preparedness Meeting:
The training is free, but you must register in advance in order to participate. Visit to sign up.
Presented by the Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation of the State of New York in Partnership with the Citizens Preparedness Corps and the Office of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo.
Roosevelt Island Operating Corp Advisories Group
...PSD Director Jack McManus said that the current Roosevelt Island evacuation plan is terribly outdated and that it is currently being updated. When the Roosevelt Island evacuation plan is completed, it will be made available to the public promised Mr. McManus....So far, an updated Roosevelt Island evacuation plan has not been made public.
UPDATE 9/30 - In December 2013, the Roosevelt Island Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) conducted emergency disaster training drills under the auspices of NYC Office of Emergency Management (OEM). Here are some scenes.