Friday, August 1, 2014

You're Invited To Gallery RIVAA Camera, Brush And Chisel Opening Reception Saturday August 2 - RIVAA Partners With Cornell NYC Tech To Share Space And Costs

Roosevelt Island's Gallery RIVAA will be hosting an opening reception Saturday August 2 starting 6PM for their new exhibition Camera, Brush and Chisel .

Image From Gallery RIVAA

According to Gallery RIVAA:
You are cordially invited to the opening reception of the second part of the exhibition "Camera, Brush and Chisel" on Saturday, August 2nd from 6 - 9 PM at Gallery RIVAA.

The second part of the show will feature 'Paintings and Sculptures' from August 2 - September 7.
Gallery RIVAA was a subject during July 30 Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Real Estate Advisory Committee meeting update (full audio web cast of meeting here) from Main Street Master Leaseholder David Kramer Of Hudson Related. During a discussion on the use of the second floor space of 504 Main Street, Mr. Kramer reported that Gallery RIVAA has partnered with Cornell NYC Tech to share its premises. Cornell NYC Tech will share the space for public events and exhibits as well as contribute to the rent for the premises.

Here's Mr. Kramer on Gallery RIVAA during

RIOC Real Estate Advisory Committee July 30 Update.