Monday, September 15, 2014

Report From RIOC President Charlene Indelicato - Roosevelt Island Updates On Windows For New NY Public Library, Cultural Center Renovation, Emergency Alerts, Sportspark, New Relationship With FDR Park And Future Uses Of Southpoint Park

 Image of 504 Main Street (First Floor Will Be New Home Of NYPL Roosevelt Island Branch)

Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) President Charlene Indelicato sends the following report to the community.
As September is National Preparedness Month, I would like to encourage all residents to sign up for the RIOC Advisories email alert system. RIOC and the Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department issue frequent advisories that keep subscribers up to date on issues that affect the community, such as traffic disruptions, public meetings, emergency situations, Tram service changes and other important events and situations. We’re constantly working to improve our alert system and welcome your feedback as we implement changes. Keep an eye out for improvements to the system in the coming months.

Fall for Arts

As a reminder, the annual Roosevelt Island Fall for Arts Festival will take place on Saturday, October 11. RIOC is seeking artists and groups to paint their own outdoor murals during the Festival. These murals will remain on public display for several weeks and may be selected for the annual Motorgate Gallery exhibit at the Motorgate Garage. We invite you to submit a sketch of your design or any inquiries to along with a title and short description. Sketches should be sized according to a 6-by-8 ratio. The submission deadline is September 26, 2014. Participation in this event is free; paints, brushes, and a primed surface are provided. All participating artists will also receive a free festival t-shirt. If you have not yet seen the murals that were painted last year, I encourage you to take a trip to the Motorgate Gallery (628 Main St.) to view the artwork currently on display.

RIOC is also seeking volunteers to hand out materials and assist with art activities during the Festival. Volunteers are eligible to receive community service hours and will also receive a Festival t-shirt. Please email for more information.

Cultural Center

Contractors at the Cultural Center continue to work with RIOC’s Engineering department to renovate and restore the community facility. The installation of sheetrock and concrete board on all interior walls has been completed. Workers are currently installing door frames at the site and will move forward during the coming weeks. While repairing the damage done by Hurricane Sandy, we have taken advantage of the opportunity to improve upon the existing space. The new theater area will have increased seating capacity for performances, and a new mezzanine level will be created above the dance studio. Once work is completed, we look forward to opening a new and improved Cultural Center for community use.

504 Main Street

At 504 Main Street, the fabrication and installation of new windows is underway. Now that the windows have been manufactured to specifications, installation has begun. Installation work is currently scheduled to be completed in November.

Sportspark Permanent Heating System

Work on the design for Sportspark’s permanent heating system is in progress and currently under review by the NYC Department of Buildings. Once the review process is complete, RIOC will issue a Request for Proposals to solicit bids from qualified vendors to perform the actual installation of the new system. In preparation for a possible shutdown of the Steam Plant, RIOC has already installed a temporary heating system at the facility. The temporary system is ready to be turned on at short notice as necessary.

Sportspark Classes

If you’re looking for a cost-effective way to stay active, low-cost and free fitness classes are available at the Sportspark Pool and gymnasium. Swim classes available at the pool include a popular “Mommy & Me” water safety class, which teaches children aged six months to three years old basic swimming skills and introduces them to moving around in the water. Twice-weekly “Master Swim” classes focus on more advanced swimming skills, including a variety of strokes and techniques. The pool is also open for “Open Swim” twice a day, seven days a week. Zumba and Yoga classes, as well as free ping pong play, are available throughout the week in the gymnasium. For more information on these classes or to see a calendar or what Sportspark offers, visit our website at or send an email to
Ms. Indelicato gave this report

to the September 11 RIOC Board Of Directors meeting including a statement about Roosevelt Island developing a new relationship with the FDR Four Freedoms Park and future uses of Southpoint Park. (Will have more on the Roosevelt Island relationship with FDR Park and future uses of Southpoint park in upcoming posts).