Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Welcome To Roosevelt Island Motorgate Garage (Vomitorium) Says RIRA Planning Committee Chair Frank Farance Showing Combination Of Bird Poop, Vomit, Urine, Broken Windows, Filthy Benches And More

Image From Frank Farance

A September 2 report was made to Roosevelt Island 311 See Click Fix concerning dirty and dangerous conditions at Motorgate Plaza:
Feces and garbage, dangerous broken glass window

Red Bus Stop At Gristedes/ Motorgate New York, New York
Next to bench is two broken glass window panes broken by a man in a wheelchair parked there all day. Dangerous for kids and dirty as well. He discards food and garbage as well as feces onto the floor all day. This is a serious health and safety hazard.
 Image Of Motorgate Atrium

Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Planning Committee Chair Frank Farance takes us on a tour of the Motorgate Garage and surrounding area. According to Mr. Farance:
... The RIOC Vomitorium (Motorgate) - A Welcome Mat To Visitors.

More RIOC incompetence: Visitors are welcomed to a combination of vomit, urine, excrement, dead animals, rotting food, broken windows, and filthy benches (some occupied by homeless people). There are urination steaks that run twenty feet long. There is bird poop every five feet (no exaggeration). And if you arrive via red bus at the Motorgate stops, be sure to avoid stepping in puke or bird poop

According to Wikipedia: The Latin word vomitorium, plural vomitoria, derives from the verb vomō, vomere, "to spew forth."

What is truly amazing is that RIOC lets this continue. It seems that they make a big fuss every couple years and power wash the place, but the area needs regular maintenance several times a week. The Motorgate staff washes the floors every day, which is why the floors inside the atrium are better maintained than outside, which is RIOC's responsibility. In other words, most other organizations seem able to clean their premises better than RIOC....

Take a walk with Mr. Farance through the Roosevelt Island Motorgate Garage area.

The Motorgate Atrium was power washed by RIOC last June.