2nd Anniversary Of Roosevelt Island FDR Four Freedoms Park, A Look Back At Dedication Ceremony And Upcoming Free Tours And Hot Apple Cider - KHHAAAAAANNNNNN
The FDR Four Freedoms Park tweets:
It's our anniversary week & we want to celebrate! We're offering free tours, cider & more! Learn more here http://t.co/J3tTS7OKQh
— Four Freedoms Park (@4FreedomsPark) October 17, 2014
adding:In celebration of the 2nd anniversary of the dedication ceremony and public opening of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedoms Park, we’re offering extra tours all week! Join us on the following days for FREE guided tours to learn more about the history of the Roosevelt era and the Four Freedoms, architect Louis Kahn’s design principles and philosophies, the story behind the building of the memorial, and the history of Roosevelt Island.Here's scenes from the 2012 dedication ceremony with President Bill Clinton, Mayor Mike Bloomberg, Google Chairman Eric Schmidt and a few Roosevelt Island residents.
Saturday October 18, Sunday October 19, and Saturday October 25 at 11am, 1pm, and 3pm
Monday October 20, Wednesday October 22, Thursday October 23, and Friday October 24 at 1pm and 3pm
Tour groups meet at the Four Freedoms Park entrance gate. Tours are approximately thirty minutes long and take place weather permitting.**
Additionally, we’re giving away a FREE cup of hot apple cider and a FDR Four Freedoms Park Dedication book to the first 50 people who wish us “Happy Anniversary” on Saturday October 18, on Sunday October 19, and on Saturday October 25. Simply visit our welcome area on these days and mention our anniversary promotion to receive your gift!...
All I have left to say is, KHAAAAANNNNNN:
and Happy Birthday FDR Memorial