Orphans International Anime & Manga Fundraiser On Saturday September 20
Received the following message from Jim Luce, founder of Roosevelt Island based organization Orphans International inviting all to a Fundraising event for their operations in Hait following the devastation from Hurrican Gustav.
I have just returned from Haiti where I was carrying relief supplies and checking on our children. Our own nation could not respond adequately to Katrina, and Haiti’s government cannot respond to three hurricanes there back-to-back.Here is some more information on the Orphans International Anime & Manga Fundraiser.It is we ‘Citizens of the World’ who must step up to the plate.
We have an event this Saturday night in the East Village (NYC) and I sincerely hope you can join us in raising funds for Haiti Hurricane Relief. I want to meet you and tell you about our project - and our beautiful, happy children who are such survivors!
The Saturday event (see below) should be fun for all ages, and we are pleased that Echostream and Lisa Hammer are performing for us. Please drop by and support our benefit - to benefit Haitian children! IF YOU CANNOT MAKE IT, PLEASE CONTRIBUTE DIRECTLY VIA OUR WEBSITE www.oiww.org.
Our children in Haiti count on you for your support! - Jim
P.S. - I have brought back wonderful pictures of our children. Write to me at jim@oiww.org and I will be happy to send you a copy of the set. - JL
Enjoy Live Music, Cosplay and Giveaways. Ten lucky winners will receive free tickets to the NYC Anime Festival, worth $55 each.
New York, NY (September 2008) -- Orphans International Worldwide (OIWW) presents "The First Annual Anime and Manga Fundraiser”, with special celebrity guest Lisa Hammer; you may know her as the voice of Triana Orpheus on Venture Brothers. Funimation, ITO EN, AnimEigo, Planet Hollywood, Tokyo Pop, and Gaia Online have donated valuable gifts for our raffle prizes and goodie bags. Partygoers will enjoy Japanese snacks and beverages, and live musical performance by Echostream.
We welcome NY area businesses to join us as sponsors.
First Annual Anime and Manga Fundraiser:
China 1
50 Avenue B (btwn 3rd & 4th)
New York. Zip 10009
Saturday, September 20, 2008 from 6 to 8pm
The ticket price is $25 and includes gift bags and raffle tickets for the first 100 who register.
**Buy Tickets on our website via PAYPAL: www.oiww.org**
About us: OIWW is a non-governmental organization associated with the U.N. Department of Public Information and a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation. Proceeds from this fundraiser will benefit Orphans International's current project in Haiti, where we are struggling to provide money for food, clean water, new clothes, shoes, vitamins and protein supplements following recent flooding and wind damage from hurricanes Gustav, Hannah and Ike. Inflation is skyrocketing, and basic food is in very short supply.
For more information, press, or sponsorship inquiries:
Roxanne Arthur