Thursday, October 30, 2008

United States Soldiers Battle Taliban in Korengal Valley Afghanistan - They Could Use Our Help

NBC News has been broadcasting a series of amazing video reports showing American soldiers in battle against the Taliban in Korengal Afghanistan. This is one report. Watch the others as well.

Seeing the enemy in Korengal Valley Afghanistan
Oct. 21: Soldiers from the Viper company encounter tragedy during a tense mission to drive the Taliban from their stronghold. NBC's Richard Engel reports. (Nightly News)
If you would like to help the soldiers of Viper Company, MSNBC reports how to do so:
How to help the Viper Company:

The Army servicemen featured in Richard Engel's reporting from their outpost in Afghanistan would welcome winter hats, gloves and socks, comedy DVDs, videogames, cigars and Christmas treats. Send them to:

FB Restrepo
C/O CPT Jimmy Howell
BCo., 1-26 IN, 3-1 IBCT
Korengal Outpost
APO AE 09254
UPDATE: 11/9 - A reader advises that:
the correct zip for CPT Howell is 09354
Thank you for the correction. More information on how you can help the soldiers of Viper Company in the Korengal Valley at Any Soldier forum.