Artist Sculpts Statue Of Liberty Inside The Eye of A Needle - Will Roosevelt Island Tram Be Next?
Below is an amazing video of a British artist, Willard Wigan, who creates the tiniest sculptures on the head of a pin or inside the eye of a needle such as representations of the Statue of Liberty, The Thinker or Elvis. According to the BBC:
The best things come in small packages - they really do - and local artist Willard Wigan is the only person in the world who can put Snow White and her Seven Dwafs into the eye of a needle...Mr. Wigan has learning difficulties, cannot read or write, and says his teachers made him feel small. It looks like he turned that to his advantage and found where his genius lies. Mr. Wigan sold his collection of micro-art to a collector for $20 million.
Maybe one day Mr. Wigan will put the Roosevelt Island Tram on top of a pin or inside the eye of a needle.