Watch Barack Obama's Presidential Inauguration Ceremony At Roosevelt Island's Good Shepherd Community Center - There's No One As Irish As Barack Obama
RIOC's Community Relations Specialist Erica Wilder sends the following message regarding the Inauguration Ceremony for President-Elect Barack Obama:
Come Watch the Presidential Inauguration Live at the Good Shepherd Community CenterUPDATE 11 AM - It looks like the Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew (now known as the Corrigan Brothers) who informed us in this earlier post that there was No One As Irish As Barack Obama will be performing for the Inaugural, though not here on Roosevelt Island, but in Washington DC. The UPI reports:
Tuesday January 20th 2009
Beginning @ 11:00 am
Event will continue throughout the day until President Elect Obama's Speech has concluded.
Refreshments will be served
For more information Please call 212-832-4540 Ext #349
The Corrigan Brothers wrote their song "There's No One As Irish As Barack Obama" in 20 minutes after learning he had roots in Ireland, the trio's label said.
The Irish rock group's tribute to President-elect Barack Obama's Irish heritage has gotten more than 710,000 hits on YouTube as of Wednesday. The single is available at all Internet outlets, including iTunes and Amazon.
The group, which also performs under the name Hardy Drew and the Nancy Boys, is slated to perform "There's No One As Irish As Barack Obama" at next week's Inauguration Day Parade in Washington on the Irish-American float and then again at the Irish-American Democrats Dinner that evening....
Congratulations to the Corrigan Brothers for being recognized for their great song!
UPDATE - 1/20 - Here is what happened at the Roosevelt Island Obama Inauguration viewing earlier today including video of President Obama' s Inauguration Speech.