Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Senator Serrano Provides List Of Private Funding Opportunities/Grants For Roosevelt Island Organziations - Deadline For Public Purpose Funds 1/30/09

Acknowledging the reality of the severe NY State budget crisis, State Senator Jose Serrano forwards the following message regarding alternative sources of non-governmental funding for organizations and groups on Roosevelt Island and elsewhere. Another source of funding for Roosevelt Island organizations is the Roosevelt Island Public Purpose Fund but be aware that the deadline for applying for these funds is fast approaching - January 30, 2009
Dear Friends:
There has been no indication thus far that legislators will be provided grant allocations due to this year's budget crisis. I have for this reason compiled a list of some other funding opportunities you might wish to consider. As you know, I am strongly committed to a comprehensive and transparent state government. If and when I learn of new State legislative grant money, my staff and I will vigorously outreach to the district, and post the official application on my website. In the meantime, I hope the following list helps you out; be sure to click on all the hyperlinks. (Disclaimer: Please know that I am not associated with nor endorsing any of these foundations, but simply want to share the information with non-profits and individuals in the 28th district.)

Yours in Service,
Senator José M. Serrano

The Youth Service Improvement Grants (YSIG) program is open to community-based organizations in the New York metropolitan area that want to improve the quality of the services they offer to young people ages 8 to 25. They expect most grants will be close to the maximum amount of $25,000. Applications for the Spring 2009 cycle will be accepted between January 12, 2009 and March 11, 2009, with grant decisions to be made in August 2009.

· NoMAA Kleenex Art Contest

The North Manhattan Arts Alliance joins Kleenex brand to celebrate Hispanic Heritage with launch of National Art Contest winning designs to be featured on Kleenex Brand Facial Tissue cartons in September. Winners will Receive $5,000. Join NoMAA for an orientation event where interested artists can learn how to submit their artwork and participate in this exciting contest:
Wednesday, January 14, 5-7 pm
Mamajuana Café - 247 Dyckman Street (at Seaman Avenue)
RSVP: 212.568.4396

· Music Matters
This is for public school program and/or non-profits. Priority will be given to the following music education programs (need not meet all criteria listed to qualify): programs serving students in grades K-12; programs involving innovative educational reform; programs serving economically disadvantaged children; programs having established collaborative partnerships with parent-teacher-student associations (PTSA) and other community groups; programs possibly including the basic need of music instruments and educational materials. Deadline is February 4, 2008.

· State Farm

Groups can apply once per year, at any time. Grant requests can fall into any one of three categories. "Safe Neighbors" for programs like disaster preparedness or enhancing personal financial security. "Strong Neighborhoods" for programs that make housing affordable, foster sustainable communities, eliminate barriers to home ownership, etc. "K-12 Public Schools" for teacher excellence or service-learning programs.

· Jenny's Heroes
All grant requests will be reviewed by Jenny Jones (yes, that Jenny) in consultation with her advisors. They will try to review all requests within a month of receipt and notify applicants who are being considered within six weeks of receipt. Here's a list of past grantees to get an idea of the kind of projects they fund.

· Charles Lafitte

Grant requests can be made at any time. The Foundation supports four distinct charitable programs: Education, Children's Advocacy, Medical Issues & Research and The Arts. Together these programs act as a catalyst to effect ways of helping people help themselves and others around them to lead healthy, satisfying and enriched lives.

This is a great running list of federal, state, and foundation funding opportunities compiled by the New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services.