Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Roosevelt Island Beacon Little League Baseball Season Begins Soon - Register By March 28 To Be Sure Of Space

The Roosevelt Island Youth Center's Beacon Baseball Program is scheduled to start soon but remember you have to be registered by March 28 to be sure of a space. Here's some more information on the Beacon Baseball Little League:

The Baseball season runs April through June. Mandatory Evaluations will be held at Tony Capobianco field for all Minors and Majors only.

... Registration will end on March 28th. After that date, we will only accept late registrations as space is available. Don’t get left out! Avoid the wait list and register today! Registration is free for everyone of age. Leagues and play times are below.

TEE-BALL LEAGUE 6 – 7, (birth date between May 31, 2001 and May 31, 2003):
Saturday morning clinics with Coach Tommy
Session I: 9:30 – 11:00 Session II: 11:15 – 12:45
**You will receive notification of which Session your
child is in prior to April 18.

MINORS 8 – 10, (birth date between May 31, 1998 and May 30, 2001):
Season practices on Weds, Thurs or Fri, according to the Coach.
Games played on Saturday mornings and afternoons.

MAJORS 11 – 13, (birth date between June 20, 1995 and May 30, 1998):
Season practices on Tues, Thurs or Fri, according to the Coach. Games played on Thursday evenings, Friday evenings and Saturday mornings and afternoons.
And a Code of Good Conduct for all to follow including players coaches and parents.