Friday, March 13, 2009

Roosevelt Island Red Bus Bunching Perfect Storm - Two Buses Behind Each Other In Both Directions Plus A NYC Bus

I may have witnessed the Roosevelt Island Red Bus Bunching version of The Perfect Storm early Thursday evening around 6:15 as I was walking down Main Street in front of the Trellis Diner. Two Red Buses going north passed two Red Buses going south with a NYC Bus right behind the two northbound buses. Unfortunately, I was not able to get a picture of all 5 buses in the same frame. I missed the front south bound Red Bus. Nuts.

I was not able to see if the two northbound buses were packed with rush hour Roosevelt Islanders returning home from the Tram/Subway Station or not so it may have been proper for these two buses to be bunched together as well as the two bunched southbound buses if the goal is to have all available rush hour buses at the Tram as soon as possible.