Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Roosevelt Island Public Safety Reports 2/24 Thru 3/10 - Hallway Running Dog, ATM Keypad Removed, Tailgating, Soccer Assault & Door Vomit

Tailgating Image From SI Live and Is For Illustrative Purposes Only

RIOC is posting the most current Daily and December 2008 Monthly Roosevelt Island Public Safety Incident reports on their web site. Also, available is a breakdown of Roosevelt Island Public Safety incidents by location and category for the month of
January 2009. RIOC Monthly reports have not been updated recently. Below are the Roosevelt Island Daily Public Safety Reports for February 16 - March 10, 2009. Incidents include:
  • Smoke Conditions - Burnt Food (2/24, 27), Trash (2/25) and Hallway (2/28)
  • Excessive Noise (2/26, 3/1)
  • Domestic Dispute (2/25,26)
  • Dog Running Freely in Hallway (2/27)
  • Grand Larceny - RIOC Equipment Stolen (2/28)
  • Trespass in Southpoint Park (2/28, 3/6)
  • Grand Larceny - $1550 Illegal Money Gram Wire Transfer (3/1)
  • RIOC Bus With Engine On and No Driver (3/2)
  • ATM Keypad Removed From NY National Bank (3/3)
  • Car Damaged Inside Motorgate Garage (3/5)
  • Vomit on Front Door (3/5)
  • Soccer Game Assault (3/8)
  • Food Delivery Person Robbed (3/8) and
  • Irate Motorist tailgating (3/9)
2/24-09-7:00 AM to 2/25/09-7:00 AM
Smoke Condition- Tenant burnt food in apt. No injuries or property damage.
Trespass- 7 youths 6 youths warned and admonished. One youth escorted to PSD. Later adult guardian retrieved the youth.

2/25/09-7:00 AM to 2/26/09-7:00 AM
Domestic Dispute- Between Husband and wife over money. NYPD refused. Argument ceased.
Escort- Tenant escorted home by PSD. Prior argument in apt.
Investigation- Tenant reported possible illegal substance (Marijuana) front of apt. PSD responded and it was cigar debris. UA porter cleaned it up.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.
Trespass- In building. 2 Subjects arrested by PSD.
Aided- Female fell in apt. EMS assisted her. Transport to the hospital refused.
Smoke Condition- Trash Can outside. PSD responded and extinguished it. No injuries. Plastic Container melted.

0700 hrs 02/26/09 - 0700 hrs 02/27/09
Excessive Noise - Tenant complained that neighbor makes excessive noise. PSD responded and spoke to both parties. Referred tenant to management.
Possible Water Jumper - Reporter called PSD and stated that she received call from male subject stating he wanted to jump in the water. PSD responded and made check with negative results.
Investigation - Tenant called PSD and stated someone rang her door and ran. PSD responded made search with negative results.
Criminal Mischief - Employee of parking garage reports unknown subject broke into lockers. PSD conducted search with negative results. Undetermined if anything was taken. NYPD notified.
Verbal Dispute/Domestic Dispute - Unknown female called PSD that there was a possible dispute inside apt. PSD responded and mother stated that her son didn't want to get up for school. PSD spoke to son and he left without further incident.
Aided - Elderly female fell stepping onto curb and felt pain in lower back. EMS responded and transported aided to hospital.
Investigation (ACS) - Mother called PSD and stated that her son was pushed to the ground by father. Son stated he has no physical injuries. ACS was called and responded to PSD. ACS spoke to father and son. ACS stated father has custody and will return son to father.

0700 hrs 02/27/09 to 0700 hrs 02/28/09

2/28-09-7:00 AM to 3/1/09-7:00 AM
Smoke Condition- In hallway of building. Odor faint. Search for the exact location yielded negative results.
Grand Larceny- A piece of RIOC equipment was stolen. PSD conducted an extensive search for the subject with negative results. NYPD responded.
Aided- PSD Officer fell on stairs and sustained pain on ankle . EMS refused.
Trespass- In South Point Park. 2 Subjects arrested by PSD.

3/1/09-7:00 AM to 3/2/09-7:00 AM

Grand Larceny- $1,550.00 was wired via Money Gram. Subject in Texas illegally gained access to the funds. Victim going to NYPD on her own.
Unsecured Property- A comforter quilt was left in the laundry. When they went to retrieve the comforter it was missing. Search made with negative results.
Noise Complaint- 4 youths making noise. One was escorted home and guardian notified. The other three were escorted out of the building.
All are residents of the island.
Investigation- Motorgate Customer found the dome light to this vehicle on and the door open. Nothing was taken. NYPD refused.
False Alarm/Investigation- PSD responded to Housing Management Office. All windows and doors were locked and secured. Search made of the office and no one found inside. Custodian reset the alarm.

0700 hrs 03/02/09 - 0700 hrs 03/03/09
Flood - PSD responded to apt for flood. Super on scene and corrected condition.
Unsecured Property - PSD found RIOC Bus with engine on and no bus driver inside. Driver came and turned off bus.
Investigation - Tenant called and stated he has not seen his neighbor and newspapers for past three days still in front of the door. PSD responded and super stated he saw tenant the day before.

3/03/09-7:00 AM to 3/4/09-7:00 AM
Water Leak- In apt. PSD and UA responded. UA made necessary repairs.
Criminal Mischief- At N.Y. National Bank. ATM key pad was removed. NY National Bank Security was notified.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.
Investigation- Motorgate Customer reported GPS missing. PSD responded and no sign of forced entry. NYPD refused.
Disorderly Conduct- Female subject arrested by PSD.
Trespass/ Disorderly Conduct 2 subjects arrested by PSD. Third juvenile subject brought into PSD and issued a Youth Referal. Guardian retrieved youth.
Property Damage- A male told Central Parking Employee that he struck a vehicle and wanted to leave a note then left. Owner of damaged vehicle filed report and refused NYPD.

3/4/09-7:00 AM to 3/5/09-7:00 AM

Aided- Tenant sustained minor injury to nose. Injury due to window installation. Window company made settlement payment to tenant.
Found Property- 5 check books. Property secured in PSD. Owner later retrieved property.
Harassment- Youth was pushed then struck in the face by subject. Subject fled. Parent refused EMS and NYPD. Search for the subject yielded negative results.
Investigation- Tenant reported that unknown subject puts out cigarettes on the wall next to her apt. UA notified. Search made with negative results.
Lost Property- wallet lost on 3/3/09 on RIOC Bus. Mini Bus Supervisor notified and stated it was not turned in.
Aided-/Investigation- 2 Youths fought with another and then fled. School Coordinator contacted parent who refused NYPD and EMS. Search for the subjects made with negative results.
Criminal Mischief- Unknown subject kicked tenants door. Seach made for subjects made with negative results. UA handy man made repairs to the door.

0700 hrs 3/05/09 - 0700 hrs 03/06/09

Aided - Tenant not feeling well. PSD responded with EMS. Aided transported to hospital.
Traffic Obstruction - Oil truck became stuck obstructing traffic. Traffic was redirected. Condition was corrected and traffic resumed to normal.
Property Damage - Motorist received damage to his car inside parking garage. Filed claim with Central Parking. NYPD refused.
Aided - PSD and EMS responded to apt for sick resident. Tenant transported to hospital.
No Seatbelt/Unlicensed Vehicle Operator/Suspended Registration - PSD stopped motorist for no seatbelt. Motorist was issued summonses for no seatbelt and suspended registration.
Disorderly Conduct - Motorist became irate during car stop. Motorist issued summons for Disorderly Conduct and moving violation.
Lost Property - Female lost cell phone in cab on 02/26/09. Will file NYPD report on her own.
Lift (Aided) - NYPD and EMS responded to lift job. Aided was picked up and refused EMS.
Investigation - Tenant called because her front apartment door had vomit on it. PSD responded and Super was notified.

0700 hrs. Friday March 6th 2009 - 0700 hrs. Saturday March 7th 2009.

Traffic Condition - Truck Stuck in ditch after misjudging turn. PSD responded until truck cleared RIOC bus also stuck no damage.
Smoke Alarm - PSD fire panel reporting fire. PSD Officers responded. Super on scene reported hallway heater set off alarm. Super checked area no property damage.
Aided - Tenant having low pulse. EMS on scene transported to hospital. Vising nurse notified.
Investigation - PSD Officers observed two males subjects in area where vehicles have been broken into in the past. Subjects were stopped all in order and released.
Missing Property - Male reported to PSD while using restroom in Motorgate left blackbag with wheel outside. When he returned property was missing. PSD made a search with negative results.
Trespass - PSD Officer observed four male subjects inside south point park. Escorted to PSD Office, summonsed and released.
Criminal Mischief - PSD Officer observed Exit center gate broken off. Search made with negative results.
Arrest - PSD Officer observed two male and one female subjects inside stairwell. Escorted to PSD Office (1)male and female summonsed and released.(2) Male subject taken to 114 pct. for criminal trespass disorderly conduct and possession of Marijuana.

3/7/09-7:00 AM to 3/08/09-7:00 AM
Trespass- 4 Subjects arrested by PSD.
Trespass- 4 Subjects arrested by PSD.
Criminal Mischief- Exit arm to the Motorgate Garage was broken. Search for the subject yielded negative results. Central Parking notified.
Larceny- Contractor Equipment was stolen last week. Search for the subject yielded negative results. NYPD referred case to the Detectives.
Trespass- 7 Subjects arrested by PSD.
Aided- Male was cooking in apt and sustained burns. he was transported to the hospital. Later the Fire Marshall responded with Assistant Super to inspect the apt.

3/8/09-7:00 AM to 3/9/09-7:00 AM
Unsecured Area- In South Point Park. The gate that leads to the Contractor's Trailer. Area and trailer were checked and in order. PSD secured the area with a new lock.
Criminal Mischief- Unknown Subject broke light covers fixtures. Search for the subject yielded negative results. UA notified.
Smoking in Hallway- Subject issued a summons by PSD.
Water Leak- Tenant not home. PSD and UA responded. UA to conduct repairs on 3/9/09.
Assault 3- Subject upset over losing soccer game with opponent. Subject struck victim in the face causing nose bleed and swollen lip as well as pain to the neck. Victim transported to the Hospital by EMS. PSD arrested the subject.
Escort- PSD provided escort for tenant.
Robbery- Food delivery man was surrounded by three male who demanded money. Victim gave them $100.00 and his cell phone. search for the subjects yielded negative results. NYPD refused. No injuries.
Disabled Vehicle- Tow truck notified and towed vehicle from middle of the roadway.
Aided/Stuck Elevator- UA Super removed male. Male refused EMS.

3/9/09-7:00 AM to 3/10/09-7:00 AM
Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.
Graffiti- At rear of the R.I. Subway building. Token Booth Clerk and NYPD notified. A massage was left for the MTA Superintendent.
Hazardous Condition- A hallway balcony sliding door was found open. UA Super corrected the condition. No injuries.
Hazardous Condition- Male chalking window outside of a building without a harness. PSD corrected the condition.Worker notified that the safety harness is mandatory.
Disabled Vehicle- Tow truck towed the vehicle.
Irate Motorist- A resident reported another vehicle was tailgating his and pushed his vehicle to the curb. No injuries to passengers in resident's vehicle. Other vehicle fled off Island. NYPD notified.
Unsecured Door- To a mail room building. Post Office Supervisor notified and notified Postal Police.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.
Harassment- Female subject was striking tenant's door and shouting threats. PSD conducted a search for the subject with negative results. NYPD refused.
Escort- Tenant sublet apt and attempted to illegally evict the person. PSD responded and referred the matter to Land Lord Tenant Court.
Criminal Mischief- Broken window in building. 2 youths escorted to PSD. Youth Referral reports prepared. Youth released to parent and the other to guardian.

3/10/09-7:00 AM to 3/11/09-7:00 AM
Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.
Aided- PSD Officer sustained a laceration while working on a door. He was transported to the Hospital by EMS.
Criminal Mischief- Unknown vehicle caused scratches on a parked vehicle. 911 Notified. Owner will file a report with NYPD on his own. + Search made with negative results.
Missing Person- From Gold Water Hospital. He left in the morning for dialysis. But he decided to take the train back to the hospital. But he did not return. NYPD responded and filed a report.