Friday, October 9, 2009

Report From RIOC's President - Disabled Access To Cultural Center, Temporary Ferry Service, Bridge Opening For UN Week & Other RI Issues Of Concern

RIOC President Steve Shane sends the following report to Roosevelt Island residents. Mr. Shane updates us on RIOC Board Nominees, FDR Memorial, Green Rooms/Wild Gardens, Renwick Stabilization, Tram Overhaul, possibility of temporary ferry service during tram outage, handicap access to cultural center, solar panels for Motorgate roof being studied, various other constructoin projects, enforcement of Curb Your Dog rules, Main Street Retail Report, oponing of Bridge during UN Week and other issues of concern to Roosevelt Island.
October 7, 2009

1. Board of Directors: The nominations of Margie Smith and Mike Shinozaki to the Board and the re-nomination of Dr. Grimm have been made by the Governor, but are still pending confirmation by the NY State Senate. Next Board meeting is scheduled for November 5, 2009 at 9:30AM.
2. Southpoint:
(A) Renwick Ruins: Stabilization completed and building secured.
(B) Green Rooms/Wild Gardens: The contractor continues rough grading, paths and stone walls; Phase 2 to complete the park, including finish grading, capping, and utilities, fencing and planting to follow as protocols for permitting with City are finalized.
(C) FDR Memorial: Following Board Project approval in June, RIOC is working with the State and City Parks Departments on integration of funding and oversight mechanics for the $4 million State appropriation, the matching $4.5 million from the City and at least $8 million from FERI as necessary for Phase I. Legal work on finalizing development relationship is ongoing. State Parks has approved an operating and maintenance budget and is in receipt of a $2 million endowment to fund the expenses. I am meeting with Commissioner Ash and her staff on November 4 to discuss allocation of responsibility for implementing the plan and the mechanics of RIOC reimbursement for incurred expenses.
3. Tram Overhaul: On schedule for shutdown March 1, 2010 and reopening end of August 2010. See renderings of the proposed Tram stations on our web site. We continue to have regular monthly progress meetings with architects, engineers, POMA, expediters, City and State agencies, etc., all to move to an orderly execution of the project.
4. Projects: Work is ongoing on many projects and others are being completed. New Public Safety space is done and PSD has moved in. Punch list work is underway. Despite the “outrage” over change of long habit in handicapped access to the Cultural Center, I know that the design was carefully planned to take into account ADA requirements. Early kinks in procedures will be straightened out. Motorgate lighting experiments continue; resurfacing and waterproofing work has been contracted for, but awaits finalization of asbestos abatement plan which will likely result in postponing until Spring because of winter conditions affecting the concrete. . AVAC fencing completed and enclosure work under way. Swimming pool at Sportspark is closed for repairs to be reopened by end of October. Rehabilitation of the gym (bleachers, flooring and padding) and installation of a fire safety system also underway. Sidewalk and pavers repairs being accomplished, with restoration of grass area in Blackwell Park West (with “curb your dog” signs which will be enforced!). RIOC is studying solar panels for the rooftop of Motorgate with NYPA. Octagon sewer connection restoration from the water tunnel to begin, allowing reopening of the comfort station. Octagon field back in operation with natural surface, pending final conclusions about artificial surfaces. Planning for new Blackwell Park included a community bus ride to visit other parks to get a sense of the possible.
5. Bank: Amalgamated Bank’s official dedication was held October 1 with bagels and balloons. Glad it’s a going enterprise.
6. Southtown Buildings 5 and 6 are being occupied. Landscaping for the tram turnaround fountain is installed. Sidewalk completed with final work being done at southern end.
7. Bridge: The NYC Department of Transportation operated the bridge as usual during United Nations week to accommodate the security concerns which close the west channel to ships. Only minor glitches in the operations. An inconvenience to the Island when it happens, but part of being in New York City. Fortunately, no serious emergencies.
8. Main Street Retail: The final consultants’ report was presented on September 22nd. Much to think about in approaching the leasing of vacant stores, upgrading the appearance of occupied stores and consolidating, relocating and otherwise accommodating the various non profit users of space, all with an eye on the essential service functions. The final report is posted and has been made available to the blog sites and the WIRE.
9. Coordination with RIRA: A long list of matters of common interest is being discussed so that everyone’s input will be available. Parking, red bus scheduling, Good Shepherd Plaza, landscaping, public purpose criteria, budgeting, etc., etc.
10. Ferry: We met with Tom Fox, the ferry operator, to discuss temporary service at the existing pier at the meditation steps while the Tram is out of service. Subject to engineering clearance and approvals from the Coast Guard, if there is sufficient ridership interest based on surveys for a ferry service to 32nd Street and maybe on down to Wall Street during rush hours, with a business plan which RIOC would have to subsidize to some level (to be determined, subject to Board approval, but guesstimated to be approximately $100,000 for 6 months), if, if, if….Will keep everyone posted. To be noted is the City’s lack of enthusiasm in proceeding with the proposed ferry service at the Octagon.
11. Fall for the Arts: Annual celebration scheduled for this Saturday, October 10. Come out and enjoy the many events.
12. Public Purpose Fund: RIOC has completed auditing 5 out of the 7 awardees from the 2009 award cycle and will have completed the audits by mid October so that the information will be available as the selection process gets underway in November. RIRA will again be asked to give recommendations so that the ultimate funding will be included in the RIOC budget for 2010/11.
This message was also published as the RIOC column in the 10/10/09 Main Street WIRE.