Thursday, October 8, 2009

Update On Incident Involving Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department Renovation And Disabled Community Access To Cultural Center

Earlier in the week I published this post that included a message from a Roosevelt Island resident advising about what she felt was:

... inappropriate behavior by members of the Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department as she tried to enter the Roosevelt Island Cultural Center. The renovation of the Public Safety Department office has required that the entrance to the Cultural Center be moved in such a manner that Ms Stern believes relegates her and other disabled people to second class status....
There are usually two sides, or more, to every story. RIOC Public Safety Director Keith Guerra responds to Ms. Stern.
I am somewhat surprised that this letter was written after the protocols were explained to Ms. Stern by RIOC President Steve Shane. He explained to her, as I have explained to those who have asked me, that citizens are not permitted to enter Restricted Areas in Law Enforcement Facilities. Ms. Stern was made to believe that she could have access through the Restricted Area of Public Safety by Judy Berdy, who was looking to cause trouble. Ms. Berdy knew full well that access through the Restricted Area would be denied but decided to bring Ms. Stern that way anyway - never informing Ms. Stern of what she knew. I found that strange since prior to that, Ms. Berdy personally discussed with me the needs of the RIJC during the Holy Holiday and I happily assigned 2 Officers to assist all in need of gaining access and use of the elevator. My Officers were instructed to make every accommodation to help anyone in need of assistance and Lt. Yee offered to do that for Ms. Stern. After cursing at Lt. Yee, Ms. Berdy departed with Ms. Stern. When I spoke to Ms. Berdy after the incident, she apologized for her behavior. It is unfortunate that Ms. Stern displays the same lack of respect, yet demands to be respected. To those reading this, rest assured that our Officers will continue to assist those who need our help.
Right before posting this, I received a message from RIOC Director Jonathan Kalkin indicating what he describes as a successful meeting between members of the Roosevelt Island Disabled Association, RIOC, the Public Safety Department and the project architect to insure that the disabled residents have appropriate access to the Cultural Center.

According to Mr. Kalkin, the following changes will be made:
The outside door to the rear vestibule is being repaired with the proper handles and opening devices that are, of course, ADA approved.

The automatic door-openers are on order and will be installed as soon as they arrive.

An intercom-type phone that dials direct to the Desk Officer will be installed.

A camera in the vestibule area will also be installed.

Police will escort help anyone that requests to be taken to the entrance and inside. Even riding in the elevator with that person.

A canopy from the side door of 546 Main St. and our door will be installed as soon as Urban American approves their share of the funding for it.
That is excellent news. Good job by all involved.