Monday, October 26, 2009

Scenes From Roosevelt Island's Halloween Parade - A Fun Day For All!

You Tube Video of Roosevelt Island Halloween Parade

Last Saturday's Roosevelt Island Halloween Parade was lots of fun for all who participated, young, old and in between. (Click on images for bigger picture)

The Parade started out at Blackwell House led by The Approaching Storm Marching Band

and a hearse driving a ghoul and henchmen in a coffin

Image From Lateral Window

which spooked the crowd.

The Halloween Parade marched down Main Street

Image From Lateral Window

behind the hearse until they reached PS/IS 217 for additional indoor Halloween Festivities.

Image From Lateral Window

Image From Lateral Window

Image From Lateral Window

Images Below are from Edwin Cadiz

Roosevelt Island Blogger Lateral Windows organized the Halloween Parade and has more images here.

A great big thank you for organizing the parade goes out to the Parade's sponsors, Urban American, Amalgamated Bank, Riverwalk Bar & Grill, Nonno's Focacceria, RI Youth Center, RIOC, RISAR, Island House, Rivercross and Westview.


Anonymous said...

How come even the marching band suffered from the "Roosevelt Island effect"?

The Halloween event at the school needs to be improved from a logistics point of view. It is overcrowded (does this jive with the fire code, btw?) and becomes really, really hot inside. I don't think the school is able to accommodate so many people. Maybe it should be converted into an outdoor kind of event instead.

Anonymous said...

Who can be complaining about an Event that has been held on this Island for as long as I can remember.

Why would they say "Roosevelt Island effect"- what the heck does that mean.

If you didn't like it, you should have left.

Let me guess- you are a Rich "newbie" whiny crybaby- go back to where you came from if you don't like this once, special, where everybody got along Island!!!

Enough already with your complaining about this Island.

Anonymous said...

Why was the parade last Saturday, a week before Halloween, when it actually falls on a Saturday this year?

Anonymous said...

Whoa. What's going on with you, poster @ 2:03pm? My whole family has been attending the Halloween parade for many years now and this was the first time we had a marching band. I personally thought they were quite bad and the parade would have been just as fine without them.

What I did like this year was that there was no campaigning going on. No banners on the trucks. Those were eye sores in the previous years (and entirely inappropriate, IMHO).

Never heard of the Roosevelt Island effect? Things are always a little below par than in other places of the city? Cheek in tongue, of course, but I am guessing you are not up for that.

I am not sure how you jump from criticizing one or two aspects of the parade to us not getting along. I am very sure I know you and you know me and we get along quite well.

Anonymous said...

I assume you meant tongue in cheek. I can't figure out how to do cheek in tongue.

Anonymous said...

I liked the parade a lot. The kids - they were kids - did a fantastic job. If you can march or organize a marching band better, do it for us. It was very exciting. Also I am not a long time RI resident and I appreciate the efforts of the marchers, batton twirlers and musicians.

There are a few below par things, like whoever designed the Octoagon soccer field with 3 lights on one side and 2 on the other. Now that was not bright. Or the broken elevator in the garage. Or the tram bird net that still cant keep the pidgeons out at 2nd avenue. Now those things have the 'effect'.

Anonymous said...

I've lived here for 33 years and I call it the "Roosevelt Island Rule" rather than the RI effect, but it's the same: everything is the worst of its kind. I'm not rich -- if I were -- I'd have moved out of this depressing housing project long ago. You don't have to be a newbie to dislike it here; you just have to be stuck.


To 2:26 - I asked the organizers why they hold the parade a week before Halloween and the answer was that there was no particular reason other than that is what they like to do.