Roosevelt Island Public Safety Reports - 1/12 - 2/18/10 - Profanity, Burglary, Robbery, Punching, Dog Barking, Identity Theft, Money Scams & More
Roosevelt Island 1/10 Public Safety Blotter
The most recent Roosevelt Island 24 hour Public Safety Reports are posted daily on the blog's inside right sidebar, just below See Click Fix Roosevelt Island. Listed is a daily log recapping local incidents the Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department responded to the previous 5 days.
RIOC is also posting the Daily and January Monthly Roosevelt Island Public Safety Incident reports on their web site. A breakdown of Roosevelt Island Public Safety incidents by location and category (the Blotter) for the month of January 2010 is embed above and available on RIOC web site as well.
Below are the Roosevelt Island Daily Public Safety Reports for January 12 -February 18, 2010. Incidents include:
- student profanity directed at teacher (1/12)
- Burglary, tenant left door open (1/13)
- Burglary/Criminal Possession of Stolen Property (1/14)
- Driver Yelling Profanity at Bridge Workers (1/14)
- Robbery At Motorgate Garage (1/15)
- Youths Punched Male Talking On Cell Phone (1/16)
- Noise Complaint of Either Singing or Praying (1/17)
- Sublessee Sold Residents Property (1/17)
- Batting Cage Used Without Authorization (1/18)
- Dispute with Sublessee (1/19)
- Suspicious Activity - Photographer on Roosevelt Island Bridge (1/21)
- Possession of Drug Paraphernalia (1/22)
- Spitting in public (1/23)
- taking pictures of Queensboro Bridge (1/24)
- Arrest For Past Assault (1/25)
- Unknown Male Gestured Students To Enter Car (1/26)
- Won Millions Of Dollars Scam (1/27,28)
- Identity Theft Credit Cards (1/29)
- Excessive Barking (2/1)
- Robbery In Subway - Pants Cut (2/6)
- Fire Under Metal Street Grading (2/10)
- Smell of Marijuana (2/13)
- Smoke Bombs (2/14)
- Harassment - 4 Adult Males and 1 Female shouting profanity at another male (2/16)
- Broken Car Window (2/18)
Investigation - School teacher came into PSD to make report that student was using profanity and making threats towards him. Youth officer was notified. Reporter stated he notified school principal. Reporter Stated he wanted NYPD to be notified if school principal doesn't do anything about it.
Missing Property - Tenant came into PSD to report items missing from her apartment. PSD took a report and NYPD referred reporter to 311.
Investigation - While PSD officer conducting vertical patrol smelled illegal substance. Search was conducted with negative results.
Aided - PSD officer observed female bleeding from the nose. EMS responded and transported to hospital.
Aided - PSD and EMS responded to an apartment for baby with fever. Aided was transported to hospital.
1/13/10-7:00 AM to 1/14/10-7:00 AM
Burglary- Tenant left door open and other tenant noticed property missing. PSD and NYPD responded. Search made with negative results. NYPD filed a report.
Investigation- Tenant requested a male in her apt be escorted out of the apt. PSD responded. The male was not in the apt. UA notified to change the apt door lock.
Found Property- A man's bag. It was secured in PSD. Late the owner arrived and retrieved it.
Unsecured Premises- Amalgamated Bank door off track. Bank Manager notified. PSD monitored the area. The following day it was repaired.
Aided- Resident fell in apt. PSD and UA responded. EMS transported aided to the hospital.
Domestic Dispute- Over a child custody exchange matter. Both parents had a disagreement
PSD and NYPD responded. No injuries. NYPD report filed.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Found Property- Identification card. It was secured in PSD.
0700 hrs 01/14/10 - 0700 hrs 01/15/10
Harassment - Bridge contractors reported to PSD that male subject yells profanity at the workers and then drives off. PSD responded and made a report.
Vehicle Accident - Between two motorist. PSD responded along with NYPD. NYPD made a police report. No injuries.
Aided - Resident not feeling well was transported to hospital by EMS. PSD was on scene.
Burglary/Criminal Trespass/Criminal Possession of Stolen Property - Doorman called PSD and stated male subject ran passed him into stairwell. PSD found subject and placed under arrest. Subject had in his possession stolen property that was reported stolen the day before. Subject was taken to 114 pct. for arrest processing. Subject known to the department.
There's More!
0700hrs 01/15/10 - 0700hrs 01/16/10
Disorderly Conduct/ Open Container- PSD officer while on patrol observed subject consuming alcohol in public. Officers stopped subject, subject became disorderly, subject was issued two summons.
Robbery- Three male subjects robbed victim in the motorgate, motorgate attendee reported robbery to PSD and NYPD. PSD apprehended subjects, subjects were transported to PSD then 114th precinct.
Smoke- Senior fell asleep while cooking hotdogs, PSD open windows, resident refused EMS.
1/16/10-7:00 AM to 1/17/10/-7:00 AM
Found Property-A California driver's license. It was locked and secured at PSD.
Found Property- A female youth's bag with wallet and Ipod. Parent retrieved the property.
Assault- 2 subjects punched an adult male while he was talking on a cell phone. They fled. PSD, NYPD responded and conducted a search with negative results. EMS transported the male to the hospital.
1/17/10-7:00 AM to 1/18/10-7:00 AM
Criminal Possession of Marijuana- 4 juveniles issued juvenile reports and released into the custody of their parents.
Noise Complaint- Three calls from one resident against the other. PSD responded report of singing. But heard someone praying inside. PSD knocked on the door and no answer. Matter referred to Urban American.
Noise Complaint- Resident stated unknown person knocked on door and fled. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. Resident called NYPD. NYPD responded and no report filed.
Smoke Condition- Resident called FDNY for a smoke condition. PSD and FDNY responded. It was odor of burnt incense. FDNY left.
Illegally Parked Vehicle- The vehicle was parked on a hydrant. PSD issued two summonses to it. Authorized tow responded but vehicle had moved.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Criminal Mischief- Two fire doors hedges taken off the doors. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. UA notified.
Investigation- A resident sublet an apt. The subletee sold resident's property. PSD and NYPD responded. The matter was referred to Small Claims Court.
0700 hrs 01/18/10 - 0700 hrs 01/19/10
Possible Stolen Vehicle/Investigation - Reporter came into PSD stating that his vehicle may have been stolen. There is no record of vehicle being towed. Reporter notified NYPD.
Investigation - PSD received complaint of loud noise coming from batting cage. PSD spoke with reporter and stated batting cage may have been used without authorization. Locks were changed.
Hazardous Condition - PSD officer received complaint of small hole in side walk. PSD placed cone over the hole and notified Facilities to correct condition.
Aided - Tenant was not feeling well and EMS transported aided to hospital. PSD was on scene.
Public Consumption of Alcohol - Two male subjects were stopped by PSD for drinking in public. Both subjects issued summonses and released.
0700 hrs 01/19/10 - 0700 hrs 01/20/10
Warrant For Arrest - NYPD came into PSD with warrant for male subject. PSD will notify NYPD if subject is picked up.
Investigation - PSD responded to an apartment for dispute. Tenant stated he wanted subject out of his apartment because he punched a hole in the wall. Subject stated he was subleasing room in the apartment. Subject agreed to leave apartment. . NYPD was on scene.
1/20/10-7:00 AM to 1/21/10-7:00 AM
Vehicle Accident- Between a Parks Dept Vehicle and a RIOC bus. No injuries. PSD and Mini Bus Supr and NYPD responded. NYPD filed a report.
Harassment- Between two resident regarding a prior incident. No injuries. PSD and NYPD responded. NYPD did not file a report.
Lost Property-A brown bag. It was locked and secured in PSD.
False fire Alarm- At the R.I. Subway. PSD and FDNY responded. FDNY stated alarm set off by work that Con Edison was doing.
0700 hrs 01/21/10 - 0700 hrs 01/22/10
Alarm - PSD received call of an alarm. Officers checked exterior of the building and appeared in order. Employee of the building turned off the alarm.
Harassment - PSD responded to an apartment to take report of harassment against another tenant. The other party stated reporter was harassing her. Both parties refused NYPD report.
Gas Smell - PSD officer observed FDNY front of the subway. FDNY stated there was a smell of gas. Area was checked with negative results.
Suspicious Activity - PSD received report of suspicious person on RI Bridge. PSD responded and observed male with camera. Male is an amateur photographer, ID was verified and there was no suspicious activity.
Loud Noise - PSD responded to report of loud noise. PSD checked area and was determined that noise was coming form Con Edison working in the area. Condition was corrected by Con Edison.
Aided - PSD observed EMS front of apartment building transporting male. Mother of aided refused to give any information.
0700 hrs Friday 01/22/10 - 0700 hrs Saturday 01/23/10
Aided was transported to hospital and refused to give information.
Verbal dispute/ Aided between two residents at the group home, one youth was transported to hospital.
Aided was feeling ill but still got on tram, PSD responded but aided refused to information and ems.
Aided was assisting with move and slipped off of the back of a pick up track. Aided was Refused Medical Attention.
Harassment The Victim works on the island and states that the same individual when crossing bridge make gestures and comments to him.
Aided passed out on the R I OC bus, E M S/N Y F D n t f and aided was transported to hospital.
Verbal Dispute between husband & wife, wife misses her family and husband hit the wall because of current marital issues. Reporter sustained no injuries. NYPD responded stated no dir necessary.
Arrest - Harassment/Criminal Possession Of Drug Paraphernalia, subject in a verbal disagreement with family member, subject returned to the seen and PSD had responded. Subject was searched to prevent harm to his family member and one piece of paraphernalia was found.
1/23/10-7:00 AM to 1/24/10-7:00 AM
Harassment- Between two residents. PSD responded. No injuries and NYPD refused.
Spitting in Public- A Soccer player split on the ground at Sports Park. He was warned and admonished. The event coordinator advised to get a spit bucket. He complied with PSD. No further incidents.
Harassment- Between a resident and a security guard. No injuries. PSD responded. Security guard to notify Site Supervisor and NYPD on his own.
Found Property- A cell phone. It was secured in PSD.
Aided- A female fell lost her balance and fell on the sidewalk. PSD and EMS responded. She sustained a laceration to her left eye brow. Aided was transported to the hospital.
1/24/10-7:00 AM to 1/25/10-7:00 AM
Investigation- Report of blood on the elevator buttons. PSD and UA Super responded. Search made of the elevator and the hallway with negative results. No blood found or any injured person.
Lost Property- Resident reported to PSD that she lost her wallet in Astoria. She will file a report with NYPD on her own. PSD checked and no lost wallet turned over to PSD.
Investigation- PSD observed male and female parked unauthorized in parking lot. PSD spoked to individuals and warned and admonished. Vehicle left area.
Suspicious Activity- Two males taking photos of the 59th Street bridge. PSD responded and checked identification. Both were tourist and posed no threat.
Aided- An ill child was taken to the hospital accompanied by the mother.
1/25/10-7:00 AM to 1/26/10-7:00 AM
Aided- Elderly female fell in the RIOC Bus and sustained laceration to the nose. PSD and EMS responded and transported her to the hospital.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Smell of Gas- FDNY and PSD responded. MTA construction work taken place and caused the gas like odor. All in order in the subway.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Hazardous Condition - A Motor gate door came off the hedge. No injuries. PSD responded and laid it on the ground. RIOC notified.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Arrest for Past Assault- PSD spotted subject that fit description and detained him. Victim identified the subject who was placed under arrest by PSD.
Unsupervised Youths. Three female youth were visiting a friend on the island. They entered PSD. Due to age they were detained and guardians notified to retrieve the youths.
1/26/10-7:00 AM to 1/27/10-7:00 AM
Investigation-Two youth reported an adult male followed youths the went to his vehicle and gestured youth to enter vehicle. Youths went to school and made the report. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. PSD to monitor the area. NYPD to be notified.
Gas Smell- At the R.I. Subway. PSD and FDNY responded. No odor of gas. Subway in order.
Shop Lifter- A Youth took an item from a business establishment. PSD responded and escorted to PSD. he was released to the custody of his adult brother.
Aided- Female fell in a building and sustained pain to her head and shoulder. PSD, UA and EMS responded. The female was transported to the hospital by EMS.
Investigation- Feces found in a stairwell "13." The porter cleaned it up. PSD to monitor the area.
Missing Property- A delivery man left his bicycle front of a building to make a food delivery. Upon his return it was missing. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. NYPD refused.
Investigation-Unknown person knocked on a resident's apt door. Resident startled. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results.
Fire- In a garbage can. PSD responded and extinguished it. No injuries and no property damage.
1/27/10-7:00 AM to 1/28/10-7:00 AM
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Noise Complaint- Report that a resident uses photo lab equipment in the apt in the early hours of the morning. RY Management notified. PSD to monitor the apt.
Police Investigation- NYPD conducting a police investigation.
Investigation- Male called a resident and reported that he allegedly won "millions of dollars," and that resident will be taken to the bank to obtain the funds. PSD responded and contacted the door station to notify PSD if suspicious male arrived. NYPD refused. PSD checked on resident who reported that the phone calls ceased. But next day victim received another phone call. NYPD responded.
Found Mail- Various letters of residence found in a building lobby. PSD responded and the mail was taken to the Roosevelt Island Post Office.
Custody Violation- Regarding three children. matter referred to Family Court.
1/28/10-7:00 AM to 1/29/10-7:00 AM
Aided - Tenant was not feeling well and was transported to the hospital by EMS.
Investigation - Youth was followed by unknown male to school. PSD was not notified until later, PSD report was taken. Youth was not harmed.
Aggravated Harassment - Tenant reported to PSD that he received another call from male subject stating he won money and that someone will come to his apartment to take him to the bank. PSD and NYPD responded.
Escort - Resident wanted PSD to escort her to an apartment to retrieve property resident retrieved property without incident.
Eviction - PSD responded to an apartment for an eviction. Marshall was on scene along with housing management. Tenant left without incident. Apartment secured by management.
Grand Larceny - School Bus driver reported to PSD that window was broken and wallet was taken along with personal property. NYPD responded and made a report.
Harassment / Cross complaint - Two tenants made complaints against each other regarding noise. One of the tenants came back into hallway and used profanity and threats towards the other tenant. Subject was taken to PSD and issued summons and released.
Stalking Investigation Update - Victim was shown pictures of possible subject. No ID was made.
Aided - Child broke away from his home health aide and crawled underneath parked car. Child suffers from Down Syndrome. Child came from underneath vehicle and mother was on scene. Mother refused EMS no injuries.
Found Property - Person turned in found property to PSD. Property was secured.
Disabled Vehicle - School Bus broke down. Driver notified mechanic and corrected condition.
Search Warrant - PSD responded with NYPD to apartment for search warrant. Search was conducted with negative results.
Disorderly Conduct - PSD responded to disorderly group. Subject started using profanity and was taken to PSD. Subject was issued summonses and released.
Alarm - PSD responded to an alarm. Super corrected condition. Interior appeared to be in order.
1/29/10-7:00 AM to 1/30/10-7:00 AM
Investigation-Resident heard noise in apt and thought unknown person inside. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results.
Identity Theft- Resident reported receiving Department Store credit cards without having applied for the cards. NYPD responded and stated will file a report when victim obtains an affidavit from the credit card company.
Alarm- In a management company. PSD and RY Super responded. Search made with negative results. All in order. Super reset the alarm and secured the premises.
Trespass- Six subjects arrested by PSD.
Escort/Eviction- PSD provided an escort to a former tenant who had been evicted to obtain property. UA handyman responded and locked and secured the apt door.
01/30/10 700 am to 01/31/10 700 am
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Illegal Dumping- Clothes and other items left in the 560 Main Street Breezeway. PSD responed. Per tenant he threw out items in the Avac Room. Tenant cleaned up the mess.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Hazardous Condition-Tenant complained that there is an odor of cigarette smoke coming from the vents. PSD responded and unable to detect the source. Matter referred to River Walk Management.
Minor Electrical Fire- In a bathroom of an apt. The bathroom fixture and light bulb damaged. tenant extinguished the fire and sustained small burn on index fingers. EMS refused. PSD and UA responded.
Broken Bus Window- Rear of RIOC Bus. Two passengers notified the Bus Driver. PSD responded and filed a report.
Aided- n ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Larceny/Investigation- A female started she believed that a male who was with her took money. PSD and NYPD responded. NYPD interviewed both and no arrest made.
1/31/10-7:00 AM to 2/1/10
Criminal Mischief- A vehicles’ window was cracked. PSD responded. There were rocks on the ground. The owner was notified and reported it was a previous incident. NYPD refused. Search conducted with negative results.
Missing Person- Female youth member of a group home. PSD and NYPD conducted a search with negative results. PSD conducted an investigation and located youth at a friend’s house. NYPD notified.
Minor Vehicle Accident- between two private vehicles. PSD responded. EMS refused. NYPD notified and due to being very busy unable to respond. Motorist will go to NYPD on their own.
2/1/10-7:00 AM to 2/2/10-7:00 AM
Excessive Barking- Three complaints made. Incident referred to Dept of Environmental Protection.
Found Property- A book. It was secured in PSD.
Investigation- While warning a motorist for excessive speed the PSD vehicle accidently taped into the other vehicle. No injuries and no damages to either vehicle.
Suspicious Person- An adult male entered a business establishment without saying a word. The owner gave him a dollar and he left. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results.
Minor Vehicle Accident- A motorist reported that unknown vehicle had caused scratches to her rear bumper of her parked vehicle. PSD and NYPD responded and filed reports.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Identity Theft- Follow up report. Resident obtained affidavit from credit cards companies and will have them notarized. Incident referred to 114 TH precinct detectives.
2/2/10-7:00 AM to 2/3/10-7:00 AM
Hazardous Condition- Rocks thrown stairs. Possibly by youths in the area. UA notified. PSD conducted a search with negative results.
2/3/10-7:00 AM to 2/4/10-7:00 AM
Vehicle Accident- A vehicle struck a parked vehicle. No injuries. PSD and NYPD filed a report.
Search for the vehicle made with negative results.
Found Property- A cell phone. It was secured in PSD. Later the owner retrieved his property.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Graffiti- Rear of a building. Search conducted with negative results. UA notified. Photos on file at PSD.
Smoke Condition- A resident complained that a neighbor's cigar smoke enters his apt. Resident notified the neighbor and River walk management
0700 hrs 02/04/10 - 0700 hrs 02/05/10
Graffiti - PSD officer observed graffiti on east seawall. Search of area was conducted with negative results. Housing management was notified.
Aided - Tenant fell down inside her apartment. PSD responded along with EMS. Aided was transported to hospital.
Illegal Dumping - PSD officer reported unknown person dumped tires rear of Coler Hospital parking lot. NYPD was on scene and spoke to hospital police. Hospital police supervisor will check the cameras.
0700hrs 02/05/10 - 0700hrs 02/06/10
Vehicle Accident- While making a delivery a truck backed into a sedan. Sedan has damage but no injuries. Both motorist refused NYPD, they agreed to handle matter on there own.l
Aided- Female had a seizure, EMS responded, aided was taken to the hospital.
Vehicle Accident- A vehicle hit another while parking, no injuries, both owners refused NYPD, agreed to handle matter on there own.
Investigation- Individual requested Information on a tenant, individual was referred to the Sergeant.
Aided- Female not feeling well, transported to hospital.
Aided- Female not feeling well, was transported to hospital.
Aided- Child hurt his head, PSD, NYPD and, EMS responds, child is transported to hospital his father secure apartment and accompanied him.
Theft of Service- PSD detective observed youth jump turnstile, youth were brought into PSD, there guardians were notified, youth were released.
Open Container Alcohol- PSD observed four male consuming alcohol, subjects were arrested, summonsed and released.
2/6/10-7:00 AM to 2/7/10-7:00 AM
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Suspicious Activity/ Vehicle- Motorist who was driving around the island was stopped by NYPD. Motorist was looking for metal objects in garbage cans to sell.
Unlicenced Operator- Motorist stopped for a moving violation, Stop Sign. But did not have his NYS drivers license. The employer faxed it to PSD. The motorist was warned and admonished.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Spitting/ Investigation-A male subject was spitting in the street. PSD issued him a summons.
Robbery- In the subway. Male was asleep and unknown subject cut his pants and removed a wallet and an I Phone. PSD responded. EMS refused. Victim to file a report with Transit NYPD. search for the subject yielded negative results.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
2/7/10-7:00 AM to 2/8/10-7:00 AM
Investigation-A Truck engine was idling on Main Street. PSD responded and driver not in truck. Reporter to notify the truck company. Later the truck was moved.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Investigation- Stop sign by the corner of a building is missing. RIOC notified. All other stop sign in order.
Investigation- A complaint that a RIOC bus went through stop signs. No Bus number or description provided. PSD responded and observed the RIOC buses and no violations were observed.
Aided- A male fell in apt. PSD and EMS responded. Aided refused EMS transport to the hospital. He will see his private doctor.
Investigation- A tenant attempted to move in without UA authorization. PSD responded and with the super spoke to the resident. Resident left and will obtain authorization tomorrow and move in.
Larceny- A bicycle. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. NYPD refused.
Graffiti- In a stairwell of a building. UA notified. PSD conducted a search with negative results. NYPD refused.
Smoke Condition- Burnt food. PSD, UA and FDNY responded. Search made for the source with negative results. Windows were opened to air out the hallway. No injuries or property damage.
Aided- A resident's oxygen machine stopped working. PSD and EMS responded. EMS restarted the machine. Aided refused transport to the hospital. A friend stayed with the aided in the apt.
Criminal Mischief- A burnt Door bell. UA notified. Search made with negative results. NYPD refused.
Possible Illegal Substance- Resident reported an odor of illegal substance coming into apt from the hallway. PSD responded and detected a strong odor of smoke. A search made with negative results for the origin of the odor.
2/8/10-7:00 AM to 2/9/10
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Minor Vehicle Accident-A PSD vehicle sustained scratches to rear bump when officer inadvertently tapped into a sign pole. No injuries. Report filed.
Graffiti- In a building stairwell. UA and PSD responded. Search for the subject made with negative results. UA removed the graffiti. NYPD refused.
Under Influence of Narcotics- Subject arrested by PSD.
Graffiti- Scratched graffiti in the Light House Comfort stations. PSD responded and conducted a search for the subject with negative results.
Harassment- Resident reported a male known to her was harassing her and at apt door. PSD responded and made a search with negative results. Resident to file a report with NYPD on her own.
Escort- Resident reported she wanted son escorted out of the apt. PSD responded and son was leaving.
2/9/10-7:00 AM to 2/10/10-7:00 AM
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Investigation- Report of a burnt candle in the roof of a building. PSD responded and conducted a search of the roof with negative results. No damage to the roof.
Aided/EDP- A Goldwater Hospital patient went onto the rocks and was yelling. PSD, NYPD and EMS responded. Aided was in pain and was transported to the hospital.
2/10/10-7:00 AM to 2/11/10-7:00 AM
Fire-( Under Metal Grading)-In Main Street. PSD, FDNY and Con Edison responded. There was partial street and sidewalk closure necessary to prevent any possible injury. No injuries and no property damage to any of the business establishments on Main street.
Property Damage- A business door window had a previous crack. The cold weather caused it to shatter. PSD and RIOC responded. The window was boarded up. No injuries.
Found Property- A bag. It was secured in PSD. Later the owner retrieved the property.
Domestic Dispute- Between mother and adult son. Mother requested son be escorted out of the apt. PSD provided the escort. NYPD refused. No injuries.
0700 hrs 02/11/10 - 0700 hrs 02/12/10
Domestic Dispute - PSD responded to verbal argument between mother and son. Son was escorted out of the apartment. No physical contact was involved.
Aided - Elderly male fell on a patch of ice. Male got up before PSD arrived. Male refused information and declined medical attention.
Hazardous Condition - PSD responded to missing man hole cover. PSD notified facilities and metal plate was placed over hole.
Dispute - PSD responded to dispute between motorist and employee from parking garage. Motorist left without further incident.
Aided/Dispute - PSD along with NYPD and EMS responded to group home for dispute between two females. Both parties were taken to the hospital for observation.
Harassment - PSD responded to report of harassment. Tenant stated another tenant got in her face and felt threaten. PSD made a report. No physical contact was made. On going situation for years.
Aided - PSD responded to report of child falling. EMS responded and transported aided to hospital.
0700hrs 02/12/10 - 0700hrs 02/13/10
Criminal Mischief- Victim's car was damaged while parked in motorgate, PSD and NYPD responded, observed damage and made a report.
Aided- Female not feeling well transported to hospital.
Domestic Verbal Dispute- Mother and daughter had an argument, they were able to resolve their differences, both agreed to keep it down.
Move out/ Eviction- Movers cleared apartment out, PSD was on scene, UA secured apartment.
2/13/10-07:00 AM to 2/14/10-07:00 AM
Gas Leak- On a stove. PSD, UA and FDNY responded. Tenant was out and arrived. No injuries. Condition corrected. No property damage.
Suspicious Male- male yelling in the subway. PSD and Transit NYPD responded. Male escorted to the train by NYPD. Condition corrected. No injuries or property damage.
Aided- An elderly male fell in the Motor gate garage. He sustained a laceration to his right hand. PSD and EMS responded. Male taken to the hospital by EMS.
Reckless Driving- Motorist driving wrong way. PSD responded and issued the motorist a summons.
Investigation- PSD responded to a building for a strong smell of marijuana. Search made for the subject with negative results. Area to be monitored by PSD.
2/14/10-7:00 AM to 2/15/10-7:00 AM
Minor Electrical Fire- At Gold Water Hospital. A light fixture. PSD and FDNY responded. FDNY extinguished the fire. PSD handled traffic control. No injuries and no property damage.
Verbal Dispute- Between a Gold Water Hospital patient and a cashier at the Gristedes Supermarket. PSD responded and escorted the patient out of the store.
Smoke bombs (Stink Bombs)-Three youths set one off in a lot. PSD responded and escorted the youth to PSD. The parents retrieved the youth. No injuries or damage.
Criminal Mischief- Youth observed play fighting and caused damage to a wall in Westview. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. Westview Door person notified. RY Management to make repairs during the week. NYPD refused.
Domestic Incident/Criminal Mischief- Between a male and his common law wife. He was kicking the apt door. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative result. Manhattan Park Super was notified. 911 was notified for NYPD response.
Aided- Female in apt and sustained a contusion. PSD and EMS responded. Female taken to the hospital by EMS.
Assault- An intoxicated adult male had a swollen eye. PSD responded and male was uncooperative and provided no information. He refused EMS and NYPD.
Unsecured Apt- In Eastwood. PSD responded and conducted a search for negative results. The apt was vacant. No property damage. UA Super notified.
2/15/10-7:00 AM to 2/16/10-7:00 AM
Hazardous Condition- A Large pot hole by a man cover rear of 888 Main Street. a cone was placed over it. RIOC Facilities Supervisor notified. PSD responded and filed a report. No injuries reported.
Domestic Dispute- Between a adult female and her boyfriend. Upon PSD arrival male was gone. A search for the male yielded negative results. No injuries and NYPD refused.
Harassment- A group of youth knocked on door of a tenant and ran off. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. NYPD refused. No injuries.
Criminal Mischief- Three youths observed damaging the wall ( A hole). PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. UA notified. NYPD refused.
Harassment- Youths three snowballs at an adult male. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. NYPD and EMS refused.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Domestic Dispute- Between Estranged Husband and wife. He dropped off children and refused to live. PSD and NYPD responded. male escorted out and NYPD filed a report. No injuries.
2/16/10-7:00 AM to 2/17/10-7:00 AM
Aided- A male fell in a business establishment. PSD and EMS responded. Male taken to the hospital by EMS.
Found Property- A wallet. It was secured at PSD.
Harassment- Four adult males and a female approached a male and were yelling profanity. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. No injuries. NYPD refused. Incident referred to PSD anti crime unit.
Harassment- Threats and vulgar remarks made by one Island resident to another. NYPD refused. No injuries. Incident referred to PSD anti crime unit.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
2/17/10-7:00 AM to 2/18/10-7:00 AM
Vehicle Accident- A private vehicle struck a parked Public safety vehicle. No injuries. PSD Sergeant and NYPD responded. NYPD filed a report.
Found Property- a pair of gloves and was secured in PSD. They were found in a RIOC Bus.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Investigation- A report of a person possibly being robbed. PSD and conducted a search with negative results.
Unlawful Possession of Marijuana/Trespass- PSD arrested the subject.
Criminal Mischief- A hole in the hallway of a building. PSD and UA Super responded. A search was conducted with negative results. NYPD refused.
Domestic Dispute- Between an adult male and his girlfriend. No injuries. PSD and NYPD responded. Male was escorted out of the building. UA responded and changed the lock.
0700 hrs 02/18/10 - 0700 hrs 02/19/10
Criminal Mischief - Maintenance reported unknown person threw eggs on tenant's door. PSD responded and made search of area with negative results. Maintenance cleaned door.
Smoke Condition - FDNY responded to apartment for smoke condition. Tenant had burnt food. PSD was on scene. FDNY corrected condition. No injuries or property damage.
Criminal Mischief - Reporter called PSD and stated that window to a vehicle was broken. PSD responded and vehicle also had been scratched. PSD conducted search of the area with negative results.
Smoke Condition - PSD responded along with FDNY for smoke alarm. Tenant left food on stove burning. There was no fire. No injuries or property damage.
Investigation - Tenant reported to PSD that unknown youths keep banging on his door in the morning. No damage to the door. Day tour supervisor notified.
Lost Property - Female reported to PSD that she lost her wallet in NYC. Reporter will file report with 19th pct.
Order of Protection - PSD responded to apartment to serve order of protection. Person was served without further incident.
Disable Vehicle - PSD officer observed vehicle blocking intersection ramp at motorgate garage. Owner was notified and vehicle was moved.