Friday, February 19, 2010

Another Roosevelt Island Closed Main Street Store - Grog Liquor Shop Shut Down By NY State Tax Authorities - Not know If Or When It Will Reopen

Image of Grog Shop From Spatial Design

A reader last month asked What Has Happened To Roosevelt Island's Grog Liquor Shop which elicited resident responses ranging from complaints about the quality of the store and inventory selections to supporters.

An update - several readers have noticed a Tax Compliance Seizure sign on the door of the Grog Shop including this report from yesterday:
I just walked by the Grog Shop and the Department of Taxation (or whatever its correct name is) seized the property. There are big red signs in the windows saying that the Grog Shop has not been paying due taxes. Another open store front on Main Street.
Roosevelt Island Grog Shop Seizure Sign on Window

I inquired of Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) President Steve Shane:
Several readers have reported that signage is up on the Grog Shop window stating that the store has been closed by Tax Authorities and worried that another Main Street store will be vacant.

Do you have any details on the Grog shop closure and whether it will re-open? Has the Grog Shop surrendered it lease?
Mr. Shane replied:
The NY State Department of Taxation & Finance closed the Grog Shop and changed the locks yesterday.
The lease has not been surrendered, nor is it under any legal obligation to do so.
I have asked the principal proprietor to call me to discuss the situation. It is unfortunate as to the community's needs for a retail service establishment. RIOC will do what it can to restore the service as soon as possible.
UPDATE 2/25 -From Mr. Shane's Report to the community (Item 10):
Grog Shop: Sadly, completely outside of the ability of RIOC to influence the outcome, the New York State Department of Taxation & Finance has shuttered the Grog Shop for non payment of franchise and sales taxes. Until the matter is resolved, RIOC has no access to the premises and unless quickly resolved, will have no alternative to commencing legal proceedings to terminate the lease and recover possession, a typically long and expensive litigation process. We are well aware of the loss of an important service establishment and will do everything possible to facilitate a favorable resolution for the Island residents.