Roosevelt Island Neighborhood Institution Directory Placed In Subway Station - Contact the RI Historical Society If You Are Eligible Destination
Received the following information from Janet Falk, a volunteer with the Roosevelt Island Historical Society. From Ms. Falk:
NEW Neighborhood Institutions Directory in Roosevelt Island Subway StationGood job by Ms. Falk and Ms. Berdy in working with the MTA to get this accomplished!
Once upon a time, visitors who arrived on Roosevelt Island by subway found no directional signage for sites and attractions here.
Through the MTA New York City Transit Neighborhood Institutions Directory Program, the latest addition to the Roosevelt Island subway station addresses this gap. The Neighborhood Institutions Directory lists several destinations of interest, and others will be added. The program is designed to help people find destinations that are within walking distance of the subway. Eligible institutions are hospitals, schools, tourist destinations, nonprofit organizations, police and municipal services. Administrators of these institutions submit an application to MTA NYC Transit; and, upon approval and payment of a one-time fee of $200, a plaque is produced and installed.
"Many residents and visitors have noted the lack of directional signage at the subway station and at the tram plaza. The Neighborhood Institutions Directory represents a significant improvement that we hope will be followed by signage at the tram," said Judith Berdy, president of The Roosevelt Island Historical Society (RIHS).
Janet Falk, a volunteer with the Society, arranged a meeting with Judith Berdy and Cynthia Ramos, deputy director of Client Services at MTA NYC Transit. Upon inspection, it was agreed that MTA approval would be sought to include a Neighborhood Institutions Directory board as one of the five panels of the Customer Information Center in the Roosevelt Island subway station. The RIHS contacted the groups that seemed most likely to benefit from a listing in the Directory and submitted a request for the Roosevelt Island Visitor Center Kiosk. PS/IS 217 and RIOC also signed up. Goldwater and Coler Hospitals, and The Child School are considering participation in the program.
Because of their status as landmarks, The Smallpox Hospital, Strecker Memorial Laboratory, The Blackwell House, The Chapel of the Good Shepherd and The Lighthouse are also eligible for listing in the directory, as are the parks -- Southpoint Park, Blackwell Park, Firefighter's Field, Capobianco Field and Octagon Park. The New York Public Library and Gallery RIVAA may also be eligible, according to Cynthia Ramos, Deputy Director, Client Services, Marketing & Service Information at the MTA.
The Directory can accommodate at least 10 plaques, so there's room for some of these destinations to be listed. If your nonprofit group is eligible and you wish to participate in the Neighborhood Institutions Directory Program, please contact the RIHS at or 212-688-4836, for more information and the MTA NYC Transit brochure, which includes an application.