Take A Bike Ride Over The Roosevelt Island Bridge - Not To Worry, No Rain
Previous posts have reported on bicycle riding safety over the Roosevelt Island Bridge:
... It's great that a lane is set aside for cyclists crossing the bridge into Queens. But it would be helpful if the bridge's metal grill were covered by some sort of mat. You may not be aware of this, but -- when it rains -- metal-grill bridges are like sheets of ice if you're a cyclist, especially if you're on a road bike with thin tires....and the bike riding prohibition signage on the the Roosevelt Island Bridge pathway:
... These signs tell me I can't ride my bike on the path across the bridge...Here's what it's like to ride a bicycle in the bike lane over the Roosevelt Island Bridge
and a bike ride tour around Roosevelt Island.
Come share a bicycle ride courtesy of Ride Gotham and You Tube around Roosevelt Island starting on the East Channel facing Queens near the Octagon....