Thursday, September 1, 2011

Roosevelt Island East River Seawall Not Broken During Hurricane Irene But Queens Seawall Damaged In Long Island City and Astoria

 Image Of Queensbridge Park Seawall Break From RIHS President Judy Berdy via Waterwire

Our Long Island City/Astoria neighbors across the East River were not quite as fortunate as Roosevelt Island during Hurricane Irene.  Although we had some East River Flooding over our seawall, the seawall did not break like it did at Queensbridge Park.

According to the Metropolitan Waterfront Alliance (MWA)  9/1 issue of Waterwire:
"That doesn't look right," Judith Berdy noted, looking out her window across the East River on Monday, August 29, the day after Tropical Storm Irene blew through New York City. She squinted. Had part of the Queens seawall fallen into the river?

As president of the Roosevelt Island Historical Society, Ms. Berdy has connections. She called the office of Dorothy Lewandowski, Queens commissioner for the Dept. of Parks & Recreation. She went downstairs, took photos and emailed them to anyone who could help, including the Metropolitan Waterfront Alliance...

Read the entire article here including how other parts of NYC were impacted by Hurricane Irene.

Image of Queensbridge Park Seawall Break From Katie Ellman via Waterwire