Thursday, March 1, 2012

Mentoring, Skill Training, Job Placement, GED Preparation Classses & More To Be Offered By Roosevelt Island Youth Program Young Adults Readiness and Development Services (YARDS) Starting April 3 - Sign Up and Take Advantage Of These Services

Image from The Way to Work

Received the following message from the Roosevelt Island Youth Program:
Roosevelt Island Youth Program Inc. Announces Young Adult Initiative YARDS Project

The Roosevelt Island Youth Programs Executive Director Charles DeFino announced today that RIYP is set to offer a new project for Young Adults called YARDS (Young Adults Readiness and Development Services) starting April 3rd, 2012 at the 506 Main Street location. YARDS is a program utilizing Roosevelt Island’s professional talent to provide services and referrals to the young adult population (16 and over) residing here. This program will offer job readiness ,resume writing, computer training, , job search and placement assistance, training referrals, GED prep classes and individual as well as group workshops at the YARDS office Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays from 6PM to 8PM on the ground floor of the Youth Center at 506 Main Street, we urge everyone to utilize these services.
If you think you may benefit from this program, please take advantage of it. If you know someone that can benefit from this program, please tell them.