Friday, July 6, 2012

What Happened On Roosevelt Island's Main Street July 4 Evening? Reports Of Fighting And Large NYPD Presence Sweeping The Street Clear

Received this message from a Roosevelt Island resident about 12:30 AM July 5 morning

tons of cops by Blackwell Park.........NYPD
and received other reports of disturbances occurring on Main Street and at Lighthouse Park July 4 evening. Yesterday, I asked Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) President Leslie Torres, Vice President Fernando Martinez and Public Safety Director Keith Guerra:
I understand there was an incident last night on and around Blackwell House that required a large presence by the NYPD to respond.

Also problems at Lighthouse Park and Main Street.

Please provide details as to what occurred.

Thank you
Have not received any response back from RIOC nor has the Daily Public Safety Report for July 4-5 been published on the RIOC web site as of the time this post is published. However, RIOC Press Spokesperson advises that they will have a response soon.

RIOC Director David Kraut was a witness to some of what happened on Main Street July 4 evening. Mr. Kraut reports:
From my regular "office seat" inside The Trellis I noted large crowds of young people streaming south around 11:30 or so. I'm pretty sure these were off-island kids; I didn't recognize any. A few tussles broke out, including one up Main Street to the north, one right outside The Trellis just around midnight, with some kids shoving each other around the street-side tables, later another one down towards Blackwell house. 

I observed two unmarked NYPD vehicles, three other NYPD units and a NYPD van, all lit up. They were moving slowly down Main Street, sweeping the street clear. Also two PSD units were making a tandem sweep. No officers of either command got out of their vehicles in view of The Trellis. I don't know if any officers went on foot in the vicinity of Blackwell House, as I was crossing Main Street to go home at that time. A young island resident told me that there was some kind of barbecue being held somewhere on the island, possibly in Lighthouse Park, and alcohol had been sneaked in, and the bad behavior was a result of that alcohol. I could not say who was drinking or how much, nor the age of the participants, which varied from older teens to young adults. That's all I know
I spoke with the NYPD Public Information Office yesterday and was told they did not have any information regarding July 4 Roosevelt Island incidents but they will look into matter and get back to me.

Also, received this advisory from RIOC earlier today:
Starting this weekend, the Public Safety Department will be increasing its presence in Lighthouse Park. During the weekend, two PSD officers will be stationed at the park's entrance from 5 PM to 12 AM on Fridays and 7 AM to 12 AM Saturdays and Sundays. Officers will be checking to make sure that people entering the park are not bringing prohibited items into the park. The list of prohibited items is posted outside the park and include personal grills, barbecues (except in designated areas), alcohol, illegal drugs, speakers, amplifiers and fireworks. In addition to the officers stationed at the entry point, other PSD officers will be patrolling the park to make sure that visitors are following the rules and staying safe.


Roosevelt Island Operating Corp Advisories Group
Will update when more information obtained.

UPDATE 2:10 PM - Earlier today I sent this inquiry to RIOC:
I am following up on email below regarding disturbances which occurred on Main Street and Lighthouse Park the evening of July 4.

Does RIOC have any comment on what occurred?

Also, how many Public Safety Officers were on duty the evening of July 4 and what level was the highest ranking officer supervising on July 4 evening.

Thank you.
RIOC's Press Spokesperson responded:
The issue was the disbursement of a large 4th of July crowd from Lighthouse Park. When PSD shut down the park, the crowd traveled southbound. Some stopped in front of the M&D Deli, and some continued down toward Blackwell Park. A fight broke out in front of the Deli around midnight. The initiator was apprehended by PSD and summonsed for Disorderly Conduct. NYPD assisted PSD with crowd control on the island. NYPD K-9 units were at the Subway to ensure safe entry into the Subway system.
UPDATE 7/8 -The Public Safety Report for 7/4 - 7/5 was not published on RIOC's web site. I asked RIOC for a copy which was provided. Here it is.
7/4/12 - 7:00 AM to 7/5/12 - 7:00 AM
Aided - Refused medical attention.

Minor Accident - Vehicle sustained a small scratch after scraping a pillar.

Aided - Transported to hospital.

Found Property - Secured in PSD.

Unsecured Door - Secured by management.

Graffiti - Search conducted with negative results.  Service Dept. to clean area.

Disorderly Conduct - Subject was summonsed.

Aided - Transported to hospital.

Fireworks - Two sets of fire crackers confiscated and individual was warned and admonished.
The Daily Public Safety Report made no reference to the Main Street fighting other than the mention of a Disorderly Conduct summons being issued.