Local Law 11 Facade Work Continuing At Roosevelt Island's Manhattan Park - River Road Completely Closed To Traffic Until Further Notice Says Building Management, Residents Ask When Will Work Be Completed?
A Manhattan Park resident forwarded this announcement from the Manhattan Park Management:
May 13, 2013
All Residents
Manhattan Park
Roosevelt Island, N.Y. 10044
Dear Residents:
On Tuesday May 14, 2013, River Road will be completely closed to vehicle traffic due to Local Law 11 work from 7:00am until further notice.
Please remember that there will be NO VEHICLE TRAFFIC on River Road and absolutely NO PARKING in the restricted area until further notice.
If you have a vehicle parked on River Road after midnight tonight, it will be towed.
Thank you for your cooperation and we apologize for any inconvenience.
Manhattan Park Management
NYC Local Law 11 concerns:
... inspection of the exterior walls of buildings greater than six stories in height....Residents of Manhattan Park expressed concern yesterday over the unknown length of time they will be inconvenienced by this work and how long it will be "until further notice" is reached.
Residents expressed the following concern:
Any one get a clear indication on when the work might be done?Another:
I'm in building 30, and I'm a little nervous about the windows being sealed up when the summer rolls around...
I'm surprised there hasn't been any specific notice. I realize management doesn't want to commit and not deliver, but if they've been working on 40 for going on 10 months, and they're about to start 30, we should expect it to go through the summer AND the winter.
I'll have a newborn in the apartment in the middle of the summer, so it doesn't work to not be able to control the temperature at any time.
I realize they're not giving "concessions" on the rent during the work, but perhaps release from the lease should we have to move.
My biggest concern is about the lack of AC usage especially at night. Should we ask for a Town Hall meeting so we can get clarification?Another:
Good luck with getting any information from Manhatten Park. They tell you nothing. Be prepared for the worst Buildings 10 and 30. This ordeal is a horrible experience. The noise during the day at times is unbelievable. Yes, your windows and balcony gets taped up for the duration. I did not use my heat during the evenings and weekends. In the middle of winter it was freezing. They did supply us with space heaters.And another:
I cannot wait for them to be totally finished so we can have normalcy again. Shame on Manhatten Park for not giving us proper notification on this project. 2 weeks notice is not enough notice to clean off your balcony when you can't use it for a year. They left off the part that it was going to take a year. Had we had known that, we could have put our balcony stuff into our storage unit in Queens.
We are in 40 and they have been at it for months now. I called the office and was told that they will be done with my building by the end of June.There were 2 cars parked on River Road last evening.
In regards to the air conditioners I was told that they will install filters. You may want to call management for more details.