Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Discuss Roosevelt Island FDR Four Freedoms Park Tomorrow On WNYC's Brian Lehrer Radio Show - Tell Them What You Think Of It

Anybody from Roosevelt Island want to tell WNYC's Brian Lehrer radio show what you think of the FDR Four Freedoms Park? The subject will be discussed tomorrow morning.

You can call in tomorrow 10 AM at 212-433-WNYC (9692) or contact via Facebook

I walked around the so-called park on May 10. Join me.

Art critic Thomas B. Hess was right when he described the Louis Kahn/FDR Memorial design as:
... the sort of political edifice that the Italian fascists loved and Speer perfected for the glory of the Third Reich... The site itself is treated heartlessly. What was a modest, picturesquely rugged shoreline has been disciplined to straight lines and symetrical angles that have no significance beyond the alarming one of man's ability to impose a meaningless geometry on nature. The ultimate irony is that Roosevelt, who fought totalitarians to the death, is commemorated in the harsh style propogated by the dictators.
 Here were  some questions asked by me and others during February 27 public meeting with the FDR Conservancy.

Video of full meeting at this previous post.

There are some who like the FDR Four Freedoms Park.