Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Roosevelt Island Felony Assault With A Knife During Domestic Argument At Manhattan Park Monday Morning - Also Be Aware Near Manhattan Tram Plaza At Night Warns Resident

The 5/13 Roosevelt Island Daily Public Safety Reports indicated:

05/13/13 - 0600 - 4 River Rd. - Attempted Manslaughter Murder - Victim transported to hospital,PSD stopped subject, NYPD arrested subject, and handling investigation
Upon learning of the report, I contacted the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) and the NYPD Office of Public Information to find out what happened. According to a NYPD Press Spokesperson there was no attempted manslaughter/murder but rather a felony assault with a knife inside the residence during a domestic argument.

No comment from RIOC yet.

Also, Roosevelt Island resident Francine Lange reported today:
I want to post a warning for folks walking alone to the Tram in Manhattan at night. Last night, I was walking on the south side of 60th St. toward Second Ave. and got attacked by a homeless guy sitting near one of the closed stores. No comment. After I passed him, he ran up behind me and kicked me. I did call 911 and the NYPD came quickly but didn't arrest him because I was not hurt. Please be careful - this guy apparently hangs out near the Tram.