Monday, September 30, 2013

Roosevelt Island Public Safety Director Jack McManus Reports To The Community - Emphasizes Communication With Residents And Training For Officers

 Image of PSD Director Jack McManus At September 24 RIRA PSC Meeting

Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Interim Public Safety Department (PSD) Director Jack McManus sends the following report to the community.
A little over three months ago, I accepted the position of Interim Director of Public Safety for Roosevelt Island. That being said, I wanted to take this opportunity to update the Roosevelt Island Community on where I feel we are at, and where I feel we should be heading. In my opinion, there are many elements to be considered when effecting change in an organization. In Public Service, it is important that a manager maintain open lines of communication with those that are affected or influenced by change. I have made myself available to the Roosevelt Island community, and have attempted to be open, honest, and direct, whether in private discussion, at an open meeting, or a chance encounter on the street, realizing that I must also take steps to make effective changes based upon my managerial experience and the community’s input.

Recently, an issue arose which caused some confusion. On a daily basis, the Public Safety Department issues a short recap of the incidents reported to Public Safety over the prior 24 hours. Those incidents were listed with a time stamp, which should have indicated the time that the incident occurred but instead, indicated the time the report was prepared. I apologize for any confusion created by this administrative issue, and would like to state that it was corrected the same day.

As we move forward, I have a lot of work in front of me. A few of the larger undertakings include a comprehensive training initiative for all Public Safety Department Personnel which will include, Public Safety-Community Interaction, Continuum of force, De-escalation Techniques, Alternatives to Force, to name a few. Additionally, we are presently examining the use of body cameras to ensure that officers and the public will be well protected. We are working with the new RIOC Information Technology Director and her staff on issues like creating a new Records Management System, Computerization of Incident Reports and, designing a Public Safety Department Command Center for the monitoring of Closed Circuit TV equipment, especially when considering the additional safety cameras being installed on the island, which includes a large installation at Motorgate. Additionally, I am working with my staff on a youth forum, where I will meet with the younger people of Roosevelt Island, get to know each other a bit, and hopefully begin a constructive dialogue between us. I am particularly excited about this initiative.

This list of projects is not all- inclusive, but is meant to give a short overview of some of the projects that we are currently working on. The support of the Roosevelt Island community is critical to any eventual success we might enjoy on these projects. I will continue to do my part in keeping the lines of communication open with the Roosevelt Island community by listening when you speak and addressing your concerns. Additionally, I pledge my full support and the full support of the men and women of the Public Safety Department, whose daily efforts I wholeheartedly appreciate, in keeping the residents, visitors and workers of the Roosevelt Island community safe. Thank you for your continued support.

Jack McManus

Director of Public Safety

Roosevelt Island
Mr. McManus spoke to the Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Public Safety Committee Septmember 23 meeting. Here's some of what he said.

Mr. McManus also answered questions from the PSC Committee. Here's the full presentation from PSC meeting.

During the September 12 Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Board of Directors Meeting Public Session, Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Public Safety Chair Erin Feely-Nahem spoke

about the improvements to PSD under Mr. McManus as well as her belief that additional change is still needed.