Wednesday, October 2, 2013

One Lane Of Roosevelt Island Bridge Helix Ramp Closed Today Through Monday October 10 for Inspection From 9:30 AM To 2:30 PM - Exercise Caution Says RIOC

 Image Of Roosevelt Island Helix Ramp

According to the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC):
Please be advised: Beginning Weds., October 2 and continuing through Mon., October 10, one lane of the Helix Ramp will be closed between the hours of 9:30 AM and 2:30 PM for inspection. Please pay attention to directions given by flag persons and exercise caution during these times.


Roosevelt Island Operating Corp Advisories Group
As previously reported:
... Concerns have been raised about the impact of numerous, large, heavy construction trucks using the the Roosevelt Island Bridge Helix during the construction of the Cornell NYC Tech campus. That question was asked to Cornell during the Community Board 8 ULURP review process. Here's the question and Cornell's answer:

... Q -How is the helix ramp leading from the bridge to the island going to be improved to handle the huge heavy truck traffic anticipated? What would be the impact if the ramp had to be closed for repairs? (Page 18)

A- No improvements to the helix are proposed as part of the project. As with any transportation facility, including local roads, highways, and bridges, necessary repair would be conducted with the appropriate maintenance and protection of traffic and pedestrian flows, subject to review and approval by the entity having jurisdiction over the facility, which in this case would be RIOC. Cornell will be complying with the reduced load limits on the bridge and helix as approved by DOT....
Cornell has promised to reduce the amount of truck traffic going over the Roosevelt Island Bridge and Helix by using more barges for transporting construction materials.

More information on the condition of the Roosevelt Island Helix available in this 2011 report by Liro Engineers commissioned by RIOC attached to 2013 RFP for Structural Evaluation and Engineering & Design Services for the renovation of the R.I. Helix Ramp.