Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Meeting Tonight 8 PM - Land Use Discussion Of Proposed Korean Pavilion At Southpoint Park and Island Shakespeare Theater Home

The Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) will be meeting tonight, 8 PM, at the Good Shepherd Community Center (543 Main Street).

 Image Of September 2013 RIRA Meeting

As always, prior to the start of each monthly meeting there is a public session in which residents can come and address the Common Council Delegates on any issue of concern.

Below is the Agenda for October RIRA meeting.
RIRA Common Council Agenda

Date: Wednesday October 2 , 2013
Time: 8pm-Finish

Place: Good Shepherd Community Center, 543 Main Street

1. Public Session:

2. Roll call

3. Approval of minutes

4. Approval of agenda

5. Treasurers Report

6. Presidents Report

7. Seat Southtown representative Article III, Section 6, Vacancies "If a district has no alternate, one may be appointed pursuant to b), c), and d) above.

8. Elect RICC representatives

9. Volunteers for the Public Purpose Fund Committee

10. Rules of order proposal / bylaws review of rules of order proposal

11. Land use discussion:

Korean pavilion,

Island Shakespeare,


12. Committee reports:

Constitution/ By laws

13. New business
During the RIRA September 11 Meeting Public Session, Roosevelt Island resident Sonia Jang made a presentation seeking the support of RIRA for building a 500 (20x25) square foot Korean Pavilion at Southpoint Park facing the United Nations. The estimated cost of the project was stated to be three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) and would be raised by the Korean community.

Preliminary Rendering of Proposed Southpoint Park Korean Pavilion Shown At 9/11 RIRA Meeting

Ms. Jang stated that she hoped RIRA's support for the Korean Pavilion at Southpoint Park would encourage the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) to approve the project. When asked if another site outside of Southpoint Park would be satisfactory for the Korean Pavilion, Ms. Jang said no because it was important to the project to face the United Nations. Here's the September 11 RIRA discussion on the Korean Pavilion.

The Korean Pavilion Proposal was previously discussed (watch video) during July 13 Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Real Estate Committee meeting.

In addition to the land use discussion of the Korean Pavilion Proposal, tonight's RIRA meeting will also discuss a proposal by Island Shakespeare to find a more permanent home on Roosevelt Island for their theater company. Island Shakespeare produced two wonderful theatrical events on Roosevelt Island recently, Much Ado About Nothing outdoors at the Eastwood Amphitheater

 Image Of Island Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing At Eastwood Amphitheater

in the summer of 2012 and Measure For Measure at the Good Shepherd Community Center last January - February.

During the September 11 RIRA meeting, Island Shakespeare sought the support of RIRA for a new stage home. In response to Island Shakespeare's request, questions were raised by some regarding the condition that the Good Shepherd Community Center was left in after the Island Shakespeare production of Measure For Measure. Island Shakespeare vehemently denied that the Good Shepherd Community Center was damaged by their production. Here's video of the Island Shakespeare presentation to September 11 RIRA meeting and subsequent discussion.

The Korean Pavilion at Southpoint Park and Island Shakespeare stage land use issues are scheduled to be discussed further at the RIRA meeting tonight.