Sunday, October 27, 2013

Crowded Roosevelt Island Tram Cabin And Station Due To No Manhattan Bound F Train Service and Tram Evacuation Drill On Same Day - RIOC Says They Will Try To Improve Communications With MTA In Future

Reported on Friday there would be no Manhattan bound Roosevelt Island F train service this weekend and that the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) would be conducting Tram Cabin Evacuation Drills on Sunday but, according to RIOC,:

...Tram service will not be disrupted....
Unfortunately, Tram service was disrupted today as only one Tram cabin was in service because the other cabin was being used for the Evacuation Drill. The Roosevelt Island Tram Station and Cabin in use were very crowded. According to the Roosevelt Island Twitterverse
Images From Trevre Andrews
One Roosevelt Island resident reported:
They were suppose to be doing a drill on the tram today. But when they realized that it was on a weekend with no Manhattan F, they should've postponed the drill. Also, the tram was filled to capacity, while I was waiting I counted people and there were over a 110 that boarded. The red percentage meter said 95. Dangerous.
Earlier today, I asked RIOC President Charlene Indelicato:
I am receiving complaints from residents about the scheduling of Tram Evacuation Drill today, which takes one Tram cabin out of service, during the same time that there is no subway service to Manhattan.

Any statement from RIOC regarding why the Tram Drill is being done during the subway service disruption?
Ms. Indelicato replied:
RIOC will try to improve communications with the MTA to minimize any inconvenience to residents and visitors