Roosevelt Island Broken Subway Entrance Doors Finally Fixed After 3 Years Of Complaints - Its About Time
A familiar sight to Roosevelt Island residents these past several years has been the broken entrance/exit door to the F train subway station. Way back in April 2010, I asked:
What will it take for the MTA to fix the street level entrance/exit door of the Roosevelt Island F Train Subway Station? I don't recall how long the door has been broken but it has been at least a month if not longer....
Last Sunday, Trevre Andrews reported:
... looks like the f train subway doors have finally been replaced after nearly 3 years of complaining. They are much better.
Another Roosevelt Island resident noted:
I did see today the new exit / entry doors at our subway station.
And I think I saw the new "automatic" door for wheelchair users, and other folks with disabilities and other challenges.
I think I saw the Push button inside the station near the new door.
I am certain I did not see a Push button outside the station near the door.
Hopefully, the new doors will work for a while longer.