Friday, November 8, 2013

Roosevelt Island Youth Program Soccer Recap And Standings - Jumping And Screaming Fans Watch Exciting, Edge Of Your Seat Games Being Played

Image From Frank Farance

Roosevelt Island Youth Program (RIYP) Soccer Director Adib Mansour updates us on the 2013 RIYP Soccer Season.

According to Mr. Mansour:
Very exciting games this last Saturday... the weather gave us plenty of support!! The fans held off the rain till the last minute!

The games kept us all on the edges of our seats! The spectators/parents jumping and screaming like I've never seen before! Some of the coaches and many of the parents kept reminding me they are so excited, their heart might just explode!!

With three teams tied at second place no one can predict the outcome till the last game. In the Minors division, the teams will compete in 2 more games before the finals during which we will have three 1st place and three 2nd place championships.

Noteworthy on John Evans' team is Zachery Moore who stood strong as a defender alongside Mack Messay who successfully wore multiple hats in his goalie and offense positions... Ishan Kashyap scored an impressive goal; their team secured a tie on 10/23 and a win of 2-0 on 11/2.

James Highsmith's Blue team rose to first place with two wins thanks to a goal and several assists from Aiden Murat. In addition, several shots on the goal were verted by the skilled goallie Byron Jones. Nelle Gray was unparalleled in her ability to stop eminent attacks against her team.

James Brown's red team marveled during the game against Tony's Orange team with the gifted Billy Cuozzi scoring a beautiful goal after numerous attempts. While Kiana Rodriguez and Michael Pratts held midfield area and tenaciously defended their goal.

Marc Block's Yellow team successfully played as a unit with good attempts on the goals and wonderful passes from Miguel Conciello, Sheldon Liu and Annahi Bermudez.

Dan Sadlier's Black team was tenacious and proficient with the help of Julian Bertillini and Nemanja Prokic accurate, short passes. Darnell WIlkins'Payne was unstoppable in his charges and strikes against James Highsmith's team. The team scored 3 stunning goals.

Tony Leon's Orange team had two great games, with his team keeping the ball in in the midfield area, a sign that demonstrates the team's understanding of the different positions. Momar Gaye again showed his advanced abilities with astonishing turns, ball control, and proficient dribbling. Jackson Dorfman and Abdelkhlik Elakrmi had a strong presence on the field and prevented the attacking teams from scoring on numerous occasions.

The Juniors games in the last two weeks had abundance in goals, and phenomenal skills from the four teams.

Jack McManus' Red team scored over 5 goals in the 1st game with the help of Isiaha Dickens who mastered head-shots and took advantage of his height. I was amazed by Kaia Keaton's omnipresence on the field in defense, midfield and offense; she was a force not to be reckoned with!

Jessey Krieg's Orange team is still in first place with a well structured team that practice hard during the week nights. This time I'd like to talk about the relentless defense of David Farance, Ruby Young and Madison Luna. The trio pursued the ball with focus and determination and averted numerous attacks against their team. They were fantastic on the field and maintained their smile, enjoying every second and the fans' support!

Johan Marfey's Blue team has improved so much in the last weeks. They are a spectacle to watch! Noteworthy on the Blue team is Sarayah Lamb who manages to stop an offense drive no matter what! She is highly focused and stead fast! Also outstanding is Kristen Leopold who's scores have exceeded 14 this season thus far. I enjoyed watching Edward play this last Saturday as the Pirlo of his team (center midfield) where he orchestrates the attacks and pulls back to support the defense with the help of the tireless Michelle Nwaokolo!

Patrick Reidy's Yellow team is morphing together with the addition of Yousef Kafou as an offense player. Markeysha Sadlier stepped up her game and engaged her teammates Daniel Joffe and Jared Pazmino in a powerful defense trio!

The Seniors games heated up and kept the spectators at the edge of their seats! The balance between the teams and the skills they are mastering is formidable! I enjoyed watching these games and when I was the sideline man ref i got exhausted from the back and forth between the opposing teams! It was awesome!!

Daniel Folla's Purple team was astounding to watch. Richard Conte, Christopher Ewing, and Peter Suggs formed a robust midfield that supported their team's unremitting offense. Also noteworthy is the center of the team's defense, the energetic Muhammad Elbadri and the powerful Darnell Lord, supporting their game-saving dual goalies, Desmond Bent and Richard Conte!

Frantz Enama's Orange team had incredible passings and powerful kicks! Adam Wilczuk rose up to the occasion in last Saturday's game as an offense player that supported his team's attacks. Francine Elisaia who is super quick and talented. Check out her ball handling skills and speed. Also noteworthy is the incredible Laura King and Yunari Yamazaki who balanced skills with agility in pursuing and getting rid of threats against their goal.

On Cesar Rodriguez' light blue team many players surprised us all with their aptitude and strength on the field including Mark Shinozaki and Kenny Holguin. The team was also reinforced by the constant collaboration between Marye-Anne Rivera and Jaden Perry in the attacks which brought their game score last Saturday from losing 6-3 to 6-6 in the last 15 minutes!

Boris Lissassi's yellow team has become a titan on the field with a deep understanding of their formations and how they work with each other. Three ridiculously talented players and one marvelous game this last Saturday between the trio of Ez Malik, Jaden Luna, and Aaron Pazmino.

We're one week away from the semi finals!! I invite all parents, friends, and island residents to come, support, and cheer for all the teams!

Images From Frank Farance

Stop by on Saturday at Octagon Field to catch some of the exciting Roosevelt Island Youth Program soccer action.