Monday, March 31, 2014

Big Day Tomorrow April 1 - Roosevelt Island Red Bus Fare Eliminated And It's NOT AN APRIL FOOL'S JOKE

Remember, starting tomorrow the Roosevelt Island Red Bus Fare will be eliminated.

According to Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) President Charlene Indelicato's March 21 Report:
...As March comes to an end, RIOC would like to remind the community that the Red Bus will be free to ride beginning April 1. The elimination of the fare will help keep traffic on Main Street moving with faster boarding times, encouraging the use of mass transit on the Island. Making the Red Bus free to ride will also reduce operating costs by eliminating the need to collect fares from the buses. If you have a fare change card, please be advised that March is the last month these cards will be accepted on the bus. Once the fare is eliminated, refunds for any unused value remaining on the cards will be available at the RIOC Bus Garage (680 Main Street) until April 30, 2014....